Security Devices - Anyone Interested?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by comfysofa, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. My mate has just dropped these off at my house. He's working on a really posh development and as the houses are being built theyre going to put these 2 security devices on the houses and the toff's don't want them. They don't these "unsighly devices" on their houses, so, theres a storeroom of them apparently - the yellow ones look like theyre for fitting on a cavity wall and then bricked up - the red ones are normal ground anchors. They look like they sell on ebay for a tenner so, if anyones interested and wants to come and grab one they can - buck shee. Ive only got one of each here at the moment (im going to put a couple in my garage) but if anyone wants them ill see if I can get some more. Id say to make it worth its while you'd have to collect them from me as I reckon itll cost more than a tenner to send one as theyre so heavy - especially the yellow one. Whaddaya think?
    IMG_20150124_181851.jpg IMG_20150124_181955.jpg
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  2. The yellow one is a scaffold eye.
  3. Well....apparently a security device....if anyone wants one pm me...
  4. No offence intended, just trying to help if anyone wanted to make anymore.
    Your offer of a free one is very generous.
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  5. At least that won't fit in your petrol tank....

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  6. Mate . That's a really nice gesture offering these up for free. And if I lived close to you I would definitely have one .
  7. thats ok, i cant see the point in trying to be greedy, i think the good nature, and help that would come from here if i needed it would far outweigh any point in charging for them.....its nice to do something to help once in a while if i can...
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