Self made front cylinder head protector

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Korppi, May 16, 2013.

  1. Saw some front cylinder head protectors on sale at Ebay last winter. Tought to my self "not a bad idea, but I am not going to pay for something that simple". So, today I made my own... Took about 45min to make from a sheet of aluminium.
    How ever, I made my own little changes to the design... :upyeah: From the pictures you can see, that there is rubber extension bolted on the aluminium plate (3 bolts). The idea is, that if I like... I can close the whole gap all the way to the radiator with just bolting on a taller rubber plate at the top of the aluminium protector. For now, I will leave it like this and see how it blocks the "shit" flying off the front tire...

    The only question going trough my mind is: If I block the whole gap, will it affect the cooling of the engine in any way significant? Do you have any opinions on that?

    2013-05-16 16.49.12.jpg 2013-05-16 16.49.40.jpg

    2013-05-16 16.49.12.jpg

    2013-05-16 16.49.40.jpg
    #1 Korppi, May 16, 2013
    Last edited: May 16, 2013
  2. Nicely done Korppi. I'd block of the whole gap, which will protect the horizontal coil from flying stones and help keep water out of it. It will have no effect on the engine cooling as long as the radiator is not obscured.
  3. Here is mine homemade cyl.cover :smile: Have run the bike both with and without the cyl.cover and header cover, and have not seen any difference in engine temperature. Since it is an liquid cooled engine, it will not reduce any air cooling effect. The vertical cylinder is totaly covered, and that runs just fine :upyeah:

  4. Andreas can you post a pic of the whole bike? That protection looks great and I'd like to see the overall look :D
  5. You can see it better in this picture. It does not show that good in the other pictures I have access to now..

  6. That looks nice and clean :)
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