Sena 10u For Gt Air - Anyone Tried One?

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Bumpkin, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. I've been a long term Autocom fan and have built up an almost* complete system over the past few years. This connects to my Garmin Zumo 660 via Bluetooth for navigation, music and phone. Also connected to PMR radio for bike-to-bike which is useful for group riding, especially when leading with a similarly equipped tail end Charlie. Bike-to-bike range is variable depending on environmental conditions, between about 3 miles and 1/2 mile is probably accurate. The externally mounted antenna helps. Far better than Bluetooth comms for range which would be inadequate beyond line of sight and 3/4 mile at best.

    * However, having just purchased a Shoei GT Air I found that Sena are doing a kit called the Sena 10U that effectively mounts internally, looks like quite a neat unobtrusive install.

    The Universal Intercom Pairing feature, if it's the Rosetta Stone of BT comms that it suggests it is, would be great as my touring buddy uses an Intephone F4 headset claiming not enough room on his 996 for an Autocom and PMR kit. If this will pair for bike-to-bike with other brands as they claim I'm ready to buy one.

    We bought cheap Chinese BT headsets for a tour of the Pyrenees a couple of years ago and whilst the bike-to-bike range was relatively impressive and clear combined use with our respective sat navs and bike-to-bike was very fickle, not working satisfactorily, breaking the pairing for bike-to-bike etc. Plus they've started to fall to bits.

    The 10U is a very appealing prospect, neatly tucked inside the helmet. The only concerns are the reality of the claimed Universal Pairing and then finding a way to connect to my PMR for when I'm riding with others from my club that use them. There is the Sena SR10 which would probably be the way to go despite having sufficient Autocom kit to make it work. Doing that it would all be bike powered but would be over kill and take up far too much space under the seat.

    Having said the above the Autocom works brilliantly with a logical input priority stack so that switching between inputs is fully automatic other than the handlebar mounted PTT switch for the PMR. For me the lack of interconnectivity between brands for bike-to-bike and input switching issues have steered me away from Bluetooth Headsets thus far.

    So has anyone here tired the 10U? Not necessarily in a GT Air as the same kit is available to fit different helmets. Thanks for any pearls of wisdom :grinning:
    #1 Bumpkin, Mar 26, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
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