Seems I need an operation to help me breath easier through my nose and a septoplasty is what they are recommending. Has anyone been through one?
I had it done a couple of years ago. I was suffering from tinitus, like morse code in my right ear so my GP sent me to Nuffield for Ear Nose Throat check. The consultant said there was nothing he could do about the tinitus(although that sorted itself eventually) but he advised me to have my nose sorted to prevent future probs. I had no breathing difficulties and I think the doc was on a bit of a scam on the NHS, although the scan pics did show a cloudy area where he said my problem was. I was in overnight as the op was in the afternoon, its possible to have it done in a day. General anesthetic, not much pain when I came to. Big scabby bogies for a couple of weeks. No post op problems. I wasn't meant to work for a week as my job involves bending and lifting(plumber) but being self employed I was back after a couple of days. Very simple proceedure. Don't worry about it. Keith.
Thanks for that, bit of reassurance, too many peoples bad experiences posted on the internet is putting the fear into me! I must have got whacked in the face by a football or something as a kid(im 33 now). They found 2 fractures top and bottom and my cartilage has been pushed in, blocking my nose passageway on one side, plus it healed slightly bent adding to the problem. How I never realised when it happened is beyond me. Must have flipping hurt!
Btw, how did you find not being able to breath through your nose for the days after the op? I imagine eating and drinking being very awkward.
I guess it will be like eating yucky food as a kid. I used to get told to hold my nose then swallow What the innuendoes now
I'm off to see the doc about breathing problems tomorrow, if they offer me septoplasty I'll jump at it. Broken my nose half a dozen times, which may not have helped...
Seems I'm not alone. I haven't said yes or no yet to the operation, but as each day passes I'm feeling more and more sure I need to get it done. Kinda wish I said yes straight away instead of saying I need a bit of time to think about it.
I had it done a few years ago after suffering a squash raquet to the nose injury. The op went well and like 900streetfighter I work for myself so went back to work after just a few days. It was a little painful but the worst thing I remember was just a few hourse after coming round, needing to burp but having the feeling that my head would explode if I did. Well worth having it and it worked well.
Been to the doc's and she's prescribed me a king's ransom's worth of antibiotics, sprays, etc, and told me to give it a month. If it don't work she's gonna break my nose! (and presumably reset it). I'd bloody well let her an' all, she's gorgeous! Must visit the doc's more often...