916 Service Schedule

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by roadkill, Jul 5, 2023.

  1. Good Day all,

    Just about to finish running in my 94 916 after being fully restored.. Question I have is on the servicing schedule. So each winter I will be servicing the bike but as its been fully restored i guess I can assume that this year will be a year 1 service, are there any guides or maintenance schedules that need carrying out on each year? Would be great to have a list of the year schedules that I can follow each time..

    Cheers J
  2. In the users manual if you want to follow that. I’d start there and then tailor for my needs.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. If you have the workshop manual I’m sure there is the dealer service schedule in there
  4. Here you go:

    - 916 workshop manual, 1994 edition:

    - 1997-1998 Update:
    6095C24E-FC4B-4A7F-93CF-155AB6851AEE.jpeg D234CC39-8121-499A-9768-6302C094A4B2.jpeg
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