In preparation for injury-preventing taping whilst training this month, I've shaved my lower legs. Why do you women do it!?!? My legs look like I've been given the cat-O-ninetails by a midget They sting like mad and they're cold!! At least it's better than having to pull zinc oxide tape off of a hairy leg. Ouch!!
I must be lucky, I shaved a couple of times during triathlon training, no irritation at all. The only major downside is the skin on my legs is mega shiny for some reason! It does make like a lot easier when applying sun block or deep heat, too. Apparently shaving arms is common practice for outdoor workers in hot countries for that very reason. When I have the next op on my leg my left thigh is getting shaved - holy crap did it hurt taking the dressings off the wounds with them pulling all the hair out.
Tip that a semi-professional pushbike racer gave to my mum years ago and she swears by it: shave your legs underwater in the bath.
I cant do waxing it hurts I just let my legs warm up in the shower that will open the pores Use a good gel all over and shave upwards and try not to use the razor with the gel gone as you will get razor burn. Use the razor you use on your face if your a man as it blunts them but sharp enough for leg skin Once out of shower pat dry and puta good moisturiser on that should stop any soreness Been doing mine for years like this Use a cocoa butter if you can
I did it the man way. Shaving foam + Leg + Razor = Bloody mess. No hair though. Not a lot of skin either.