Shoei Neotech Fogging And Ventilation Issues

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Twin4me, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. I've worn Shoei helmets for the last 18 years and recently bought a Neotech but I'm having real trouble loving it like all my other Shoei's. I have a terrible problem with the internal visor misting up when I am stopped, or in slow traffic (I ride in London), even with all the vents open.

    I've tried an anti fog which helped a bit but was not ideal. I guess there is not a pin lock for the internal visor?

    The second problem is the ventilation when moving, with the breath guard installed and the front vent open the stream of air is so strong it makes my eyes water in seconds (like a teenage girl watching Titanic). I tried to alleviate this by adding some more holes to the centre part in the hope that this would lessen the pressure, it's better initially but still flows too much air into my eyes.

    If I remove the bath/nose guard then it's much better on my eyes but doesn't flow much air, so I mist up faster!

    There does not seem to be any way of using the breath guard and limiting the airflow by having the front vent half open.

    Is there an alternative breath guard or way of blocking the vents slightly? I saw there is a ventilated chin guard available, but this would make it noisier I guess.

    As I said, I've used Shoei for years and it's the first time I've been disappointed, I'm seriously thinking I will have to try another helmet manufacturer. I tried a Schuberth but I'm between 2 sizes.

    I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions.
  2. Hi Twin4me,

    I too have a Neotech which I use for touring, you are referring to misting problems with the drop down sun visor Yes?

    I use the chin curtain and the nose breath guard on mine and find the sun visor doesn't mist up too bad as long as you have the rear vent open ( allowing air to flow through the helmet without being really noticeable ) and also the visor just cracked off the lock - not even on the first detent.
    Or you could also treat it with something like that Bob Heath anti mist spray as well.

    I had a similar experience to you with the front chin vent, it just blasts cold air straight into my eyes and makes them water, so I took the ( drastic! ) step of closing this vent off completely as even when shut, I could still feel an air blast through it, so I opened the vent and plugged it with black foam ( or plasticine ) so that no air at all comes through here.
    If I need a bit of ventilation I just crack the visor off the stop and you get a nice diffused flow and not the jet air blast from the chin vent into the eyes!

    I'd also put a couple of strips of draught excluder inside the chin bar just in front of the locking mechanism each side, as I was getting a draught through from the sides and that's sorted it, very happy with the helmet now.

    Just persevere with it a bit, Shoei make the best helmets in the world imo.

    Hope this helps
  3. Yes, it's the internal visor, I'm reduced to lifting the front or visor if I'm at a traffic light for more than 30 seconds, even in pretty warm weather.

    I'm not too unhappy with the amount of air from the front vent, I just want it not to go straight into my eyes, need to figure a way to divert it, or maybe block some off with some Sugru.
    FIX THAT THING | Sugru

    I hate having the visor cracked open, so I'll find a way round this hopefully.

    This was recommended on another site:
    Fogtech DX Anti Fog
  4. I bought some of the Fogtech solution and it's improve the situation a lot (although the weather has also got warmer!)

    I ended up blocking up a lot of the chin vent on the inside with some foam and tape, plus drilled some holes in the breath deflector. This is a lot better now. I'm going to experiment further with the sugru, to create something more permanent.

    One issue might be that I'm riding a Multistrada with a low Pikes Peak screen, (less buffering and noise), but I'll try one of my taller touring screens and see if this improves things, it might be the flow of air into the front vent is just too strong with the lower screen.

    I wrote an email to Shoei, but just got a stupid reply saying all their products are extensively tested in wind tunnels!
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