Should "fairy Tale Of New York" Be Banned ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by portboy, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. The BBC has said they will keep the word "Faggot" in duet performance due to be shown in the Xmas day show of Gavin and Stacey. One BBC radio presenter has scrubbed it from his playlist this Xmas is he right to have done so ?
  2. Not at all, meatballs are everyone’s favourite!
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  3. People will be offended by everything and anything these days,:punch:leave it in for freedom of speech.:upyeah:
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  4. You cannot ban anything that involves the late great Kirsty MacColl. it’s the law.
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  5. No. If you let the offended win every pathetic argument then the world is doomed. If they don’t like it then they should turn over. I don’t like Simon cowells mind numbing shit on my tv but I turn over as why should I get it banned because I don’t like it oh and what would all the single celled organisms that live in this country watch on a Saturday night.
    The meek will inherit the earth if you let em.
    #5 hyperdildo, Dec 22, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2019
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  6. All language must be banned.
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  7. In my opinion, ALL christmas songs should be banned, way to many fecking merry people up in my face this time of year. :punch::mad:
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  8. images.jpg

    Offense has become the new censorship
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  9. 8d04a4348cd641f19845fbaa97bb6c90.jpg
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  10. Students at York University were severely distressed when they attended a lecture about a book written by a black man many years ago.

    The book is called The Philadelphia Negro.

    Guess what offended them?


    (not the word Twats, but Negro)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. To be offended is the new race card. when all else fails and you have no valid argument you can switch to the default settings of “I’m offended” job done.
    This is one of the reasons we are leaving this country as I see it turning in to an Orwellian nightmare.
    The clone army will rule. And by clone army I mean the people that watch the shit that Simon cowell pedals and eat the shit that just eat tells them to.
    Britain is such a small country that the unraveling of common sense and conversation will be dead within ten years.
    Too many people are trying to look holier than thou also by being seen to fight the good fight in the name of decency but the reality is these people are just sad and lonely and crave attention by sticking their noses in to other people’s lives. these people are the tools in the chest for the governments and influencers to use for their own gains.
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  12. :no_mouth:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. The BBC need to be very careful. Not paying for TV licences is becoming quite popular. If you look at how much you pay for NetFlix compared to a TV licence, then you have to question its value.

    The World has moved on from needing 'Auntie Beeb' to protect our morals - and charge a f*(k1ng fortune to do it. Also from assuming that if you have a TV then you must watch BBC - with streaming, DVD, memory sticks, etc then the World has moved on...
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  14. baah.......
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  15. One of the first stages to communism is political correctness and eroding freedom of speech. Get the people to police each other.
    Being offended is a choice. And a lot of wankers think it’s a right to not get offended. How can it be a right when it’s a choice? It’s bollocks.
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  16. No he's not. The fucking faggot!
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  17. There is also no such thing as the NYPD Choir...liars.
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    The BBC, always projecting a vice like grip of fear, if I had ever phoned in for a request it would’ve been for Pigs by Pink Floyd but I think they got onto that one quite quickly.

    EDIT:- In case no-one ticks the link above - did you know why "The Sun has got his hat on" is never played on the Radio anymore? - similar to title, it is now censored and got David Lowe, a "DJ" with 32 years service to the BBC, the sack (he voluntarily resigned).
    #18 Chris, Dec 22, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
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  19. I believe censorship creates far more problems than it solves. If something is banned then we all want to watch,read, hear, smoke it etc.
    Freedoms are very hard to get and very easy to lose. I don't have a television. I'm damned if i'm going to pay for a licence to be brainwashed by the BBC.
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  20. Once when I was in Cuba I visited an old Cold War era prison and I can’t remember what it was called but the prison blocks were cylindrical in shape and all the cells round the outside looking in to a blacked out guard tower in the middle. The trick was that none of the cells had doors and none of the prisoners could see if there was actually a guard there but none of them tried to escape as the theory was that amongst the prisoners if you said the wrong thing or planned escape one of them would grass you up and the power of that invisible control was enough to keep people incarcerated purely by paranoia and the fear of being grassed up. when I saw that place 15 years ago I though how mental a concept it was but reality is that it’s a powerful tool now being used by weak minded arseholes In this country self policing with their dash cams and reporting people on social media so that they get their ounce of feeling great.
    reality is these people are fucking wankers and dangerous to humanity but then they don’t care about that as long as they feel they have won their childish argument. cunts the lot of em.
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