If you take a dog for a walk you are expected to clear up after it, if a farmer herds cows on the public highway he is responsible in making the road safe, why cant horse riders clear up the crap their animals leave behind them.
They 'kin should here..........gridlock on a Sunday is five horses and a combine harvester.........there's so much horse sh*te, that even the road is getting taller.......
Just to upset all I bloody wish cats had nappies!!!! I nearly dropped my bike as I slipped on cat crap again directly on my concrete path. the only cat I know that craps on top of your grass (great when someone then walks all through the house with it ). Or directly onto concrete steps or worse when your bringing bike in it just randomly messes on your path. £40 of cat repellant .. 2 sonic scarers £30 .. in one month. £70 could have gone towards my bike service ! Be it Dogs, Cats, Horses, Ardvarks . I do not give a toss I adore animals but clearing up cat poo daily often squits everywhere makes me gag. Glad they can enjoy their garden to its max potential .. I can't as my lawn is half dead now again despite reseeding ! half put lawns dead , I'm £70 out of pocket ,. the stench is vile. Everyday I get up and check my garden for cat crap . I f you own a pet ( I have and do) clean up its crap please! yes I agree if you let your dog mess on the path or road or someone's garden £1000 fine. So yes own anything that craps everywhere be it Dog ,cat .Horse .. Clean it up yourself and don't make others clean it up.
Shitty death!!!! Imagine the 'where do I put my tax disc' threads on www.lovemynagbutitsdogfoodwhenitgetsill.co.uk forum.
Horses are fine......as long as their in a field where they belong and not shitting all over the road.
Blooming city folks telling us what should happen in the country side ...oh great ...stay on the track boys leave the country lanes to the men.....it's called reading the road ahead...plan your route through shit shingle and man hole covers
What a great idea! Thanks! Oh, and countryfolk, complaining about those damned noisy motorbikes - plan where you live better! It's called tough tits, tractor boy! :biggrin:
As another dog owner and biker, I agree, horses should have nappies, or the riders should carry bin-bags and shovels to clean up after them.
Where I live its Horsey mecca. All the spoilt brats have them. Where do they ride them? On the open moorland which has had thousands spent on the pennine bridleway, nope, on the bloody main roads two abrest. I basically have umpteen miles of the bridleway to myself for exercising the dog. Horses=riding licence=minimum age=road tax=insurance. Ta very much.
The horse-drawn carriages in Stanley Park (Vancouver) have a kind of collector between the horse's back end & the carriage to stop the future manure from falling on the path or road. Seems to work there, but can't see how it would work if the horse wasn't pulling a carriage.
If your motorbike happens to drop a load of oil on the road (which has been known, even with Ducatis), I am sure you will do whatever it takes to clear it up so it is not a hazard to other road users ... won't you?
I do wish I could have a visit here by say, 50 Ducatis...........that will give the snobs something to moan about.... AL
Do Ducatis leave a pool of oil behind them every time they go out on the road? I thought that was only old Brit bikes. But yes, absolutely, you should make every effort to alert other road users to the hazard and arrange for a clean-up asap.