Should I be Gutted?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Matt DWrecker, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Popped a set of carbon oval termis up on flea bay, ecu and all bits included.....sold for £350 :/ Picked them up end of last year and meant to get them fitted to my evo, but I've been seriously looking at a Panigale so thought I'd save the cost of the ecu reflash and sell them off. Figured they sell a little better than that but hey ho...
  2. How much did you lose? That should determine the "gutted factor" :smile:
  3. Just think of the joy you have given somebody else :tongue:
  4. I think 350 isn't too bad if you where thinking of your trading in your 848 for the pani. The bolt ons don't really make a difference when trading in. That's in my experience
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  5. £150 less than I paid for them :rolleyes: So already a bit gutted, was kinda hoping someone would pop up and say that was about the going rate and that I had overpaid in the first place.....I don't know why that would have made me feel better but it would have.

    I'll keep thinking about that 'joy'....
  6. Consider this; I bought a set of Ohlins forks this week, with the lower yoke and stem, guy paid over2k 18 months ago and I got them for 750. Seems prices are low at tho...good for some of us :biggrin: and its just the market value
  7. Ouch!

    Little more pragmatic about it now, I wasn't going to use them in the end so better someone has them that will. Was hoping the loss wouldn't be so large but hey ho, I've made far worse decisions :biggrin:
  8. No body is paying for much on the bay of evil at the moment .... It's full of chancers I get il give you ( some lame arse amount all the time) and then told they are doing me a favour ....eBay is my last port of call now for selling.

    The only things that go for mental money ate the things I want to buy sniff!
  9. This is the first time I have used it for selling but the experience is much the same as yours, lots of chancers on an iPhone I had up as well as the exhausts.

    Have a real bad feeling about the iPhone too, payment was under review for ages on paypal and just cleared. Sent the guy who bought it a message last night explaining the situation and got this back this morning

    "Hi dear matt
    Thanks for your mail.but I didn't understand the payment issue.i have paid the amount in full including postage for next day service.And I have bought this phone for special reason so please don't put me in this suituation as this money issue will be solved.We all do have some work to do, but when you do business you need to take some time out for this reason please post my phone today as I have paid post also.please you have made promise so please stand by it.
    Even if there will be any issue later I will solve it.
    Best regards"

    This is screaming scam, spoke to PayPal and they said it's cleared and I should send the item now, everything is fine.....I can't help but have a real bad feeling about this though :(
  10. That sounds a bit odd .
    whats his feedback like?
    if its very low .. Also read the feedback a lot of 100% are not
    Since the ability of leaving negative feedback for buyers ( which I think is crap) people leave positive but write up bad experiences with the buyer.
    ive just been caught out .
    100% er collection only ..
    not paid or collected . I went into feedback this man is a habitual non payer and stole from a house he went to collect from!!
    I have reported him and put the item back up for sale.

    Check payment has cleared.
    Check feedback .
    Read feedback.
    look into chargebacks I'm not sure how it works.
    Look at where it is being posted to.
    Only send it Special Delivery so it is insured and tracked.

    Have a nosey .

    If your unhappy refund them and explain why.
    Ebay won't be happy but do you want to loose your phone ?
    Have you got a price from CEX on high street if not worth a shot don't forget about the fees you give to PayPal then ebay and final listing fee!
    If CEX offer you a bit less weigh it up with eBay fees loss.
    If it looks like a scam feels like a scam probably is a scam .
  11. Feedback is good for the 3 purchases he has made. Member since 2007, only bought stuff middle of last year though. CEX were offering £80 less than the average I was seeing off ebay so figured this would be the best route.

    Payment has cleared into PayPal, would have been ok with it but that message back through ebay is almost a carbon copy of other messages I have seen people posting who have been scammed. Bluergh!

    Think I'll give evil bay a miss in future.
  12. He's only got 3 feedback since 2007?
    Check paypals policy on chargebacks .
    if he's paid then only send special delivery .
    even if it costs you £3 more !

    Bit of a gamble ..
    Check chargeback ...
    Also have a look in community .
    see if similar scams.
    i take it he is a UK buyer ?
  13. Did the buyer pay using paal, as requested, and did you have next day delivery in the ad? In which case I can understand the email; likely they felt they were paying for quick turnaround, both using paypal and the p&p cost, and seems from what you have written thats not what they got

    clearly of the payment didnt arrive in paypal you wont post til it did
  14. He did use paypal and Special Delivery was what I have used. Paypal just put the payment on hold for 36 hours while they checked it. Meh, guess I will find out soon if all is well.
  15. Ar right, buyers problem then...nothing you can do
  16. i dont know why we all seem to get so pssed by all the names we call other people purchasing from if they are doing our legs..............its no different when the tide is turned and we become the purchaser......we are all after a bargain!
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