should permission be granted to build a 'Super' Mosque in Newham ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. yes - as long as it's not too large

    1 vote(s)
  3. no - from what i can gather from details published

    8 vote(s)
  4. no, not on any account

    32 vote(s)
  1. of course it's controversial but would like to know how the rest of you feel..

    EDIT :- I should have added that voting members will remain anonymous with regard to vote given.
    #1 Chris, Dec 5, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2012
  2. makes no odds to me living in southampton
  3. Not being from near Newham could you give some background on why it's controversial?
  4. No. And I'd answer the same if it were a C of E church being built.
  5. As it happens I live in Newham, only a couple of miles from the site of the proposed mega-mosque. The proposal is very controversial around here.

    There are already loads of mosques (as well as churches, sikh temples, etc) locally so there’s little real need for more, and there is a huge London central mosque near Regent’s Park.

    The proposed building is monstrous, about three times the size of St Paul’s Cathedral, and it is completely disproportionate to the site. It also includes eight residences, tennis courts, and all sorts of other things. This unrealistic planning application is provocative – it’s a way of fabricating a grievance.

    I would favour referring the matter to the Mayor (Boris) to consider, before taking a decision.
  6. #7 Chris, Dec 6, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  7. Some lovely people about, but neither of those stories have anything to do with the topic of this thread. I wonder how many christian children died in the name of decency..?
  8. Good reason to reject it then.

    Multi culti liberalism is seen as a weakness to be expolited by some. Draw a line in the sand and say no.

    We need to defend our secular rights now because there are elements out there that will take every oportunity to further their cause and they are very good at playing a long game.

    I am currently reading Richard Dawkins 'The God Delusion', it's good stuff.
  9. What !?
  10. Separate issues though.
    Seems to me from Pete's post that there are extremely solid planning reasons why it should not go ahead, and those are the best reasons to allow or not allow the building.
    Whether one group's invisible magic friend likes it or another group of sky pixie followers don't is largely irrelevant.
  11. Go and try to build a big christian Church in a Muslim Country!! There would be Islamic uproar 100's of Infidels would be beheaded, UK Flags burnt in the streets, AK47's being randomly shot into the air by 8 year olds, Women would be stoned to death because they read a book.
    All I can say is its a good job for non Christians who want to pray to whom ever that we have moved out of the dark ages and have developed in to a civilised nation.
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  12. Religion aside, it would have been an amazing building
  13. it all depnds on who will be preaching.
    If moderate, please do build it as many will hear the moderation.
    If not, please do not.

    faéct : Extremism festers best in small groups.
  14. Pixie worship is an annoying distraction to real life at the best of times. No point in encouraging more of it. It's actually more about strengthening a certain section of the community and giving a boost to all sorts of beliefs which are not shared by the majority in the country, so I'd say no.

    Sometimes maybe minorities should be treated as minorities. There. How un-PC was that?
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  15. We have developed into a weak multi culti nation. If, as Pete says 'This unrealistic planning application is provocative – it’s a way of fabricating a grievance.' then it needs to be addressed head on. As you acknowledge, if the boot was on the other foot other religions or no belief would not be tolerated. Our civilised nation is under threat and needs to be defended. It isn't PC to say so but I believe it to be true.
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  16. Absolutely permission should be given, build it as big as they can fill it to the rafters with Islam's finest.......Then lock the doors and release the dogs
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  17. The UK attempts to afford respect for different religions within its borders, in a spirit of civility, tolerance and the support of personal freedoms. Thus the UK will allow non-native cultures and religions freedom, within reasonable bounds, to pursue such activities, even when there are many nations around the globe that wouldn't even consider extending the same courtesy.

    As I said, this is done in a spirit of civility, tolerance and in the name of personal freedom.

    The other cultures and religions don't see it that way. It isn't tolerance. They see the UK's "tolerance" as wishy-washy moral weakness, godlessness and a lack of adherence to the true faith. The two sides don't talk anything like the same language as there is no common ground.

    In the end, though, it probably has little to do with "faith". It's about political power - always has been, always will be.
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  18. Indeed. The issue is not about whether we like or believe in Islam, or in any religion. People are allowed to believe what they want, and to build mosques, churches, etc. to suit. We have religious freedom in Europe, which it is important to preserve; some other parts of the world are not so lucky.

    This is a planning application, and the issue is whether a certain proposed building of a certain size should be allowed to be built in a certain place. There are numerous mosques in Newham already, and planning permission to build them was granted in the ordinary way. Permission to build another mosque of reasonable size and appearance in a reasonable location would not be controversial.

    In this case, a group has applied to build a gigantic and absurd monstrosity. I am guessing they applied expecting to be refused, so that the refusal could be made into an issue. They want to contrive some basis for complaining of persecution. That is what I meant by “provocative”, and that is the issue here.

    In fact planning permission was unanimously refused last night (Weds) by the council. Appeals, demonstrations, petitions, and complaints will no doubt follow. Several of the councillors are muslims, and they all voted against this application.
    #19 Pete1950, Dec 6, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2012
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  19. Makes a change and a lie of the old joke:
    Just applied for a building permit for a new house.

    It was going to be 100 ft tall and 400 ft wide with 9 turrets at various heights and windows all over the place and a loud outside entertainment sound system.

    It would have parking for 200 cars and I was going to paint it bright purple with pink trim.

    The Local Council told me to **** off.

    So I sent in the application again, but this time I called it a Mosque.

    Work starts on Monday week.
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