Prohibition doesn't work and is canabis any worse than currently legal alcohol ? Taxation would also apply.
Can think of loads of reasons. Free up police and courts to deal with real scumbags. Stop criminalising people for doing something that isnt harming anyone else. Additional tax income Cheap and Eco friendly paper and clothing Hundreds of ailments become legally and cheaply treatable ........ Far more reasons to legalise than not imho.
I was an habitual canabis smoker for almost 35 years ( got fed up with it) I'll stay out of this one. But I will tell a little story from my past. I was working on a flood alleviation scheme along the river in the centre of Trowbridge . I put the fence up amongst other things . While the job was closing down I found myself in charge of surfacing a parking area near the court buildings. The Tarmac had been delayed so the whole gang skinned up in the portacabin and we all got totally shitfaced. The Tarmac arrived and we were scared ! But we got on with it in a jovial type way . A couple had to sit for a while because they were breathless from raking and laughing at the same time . The job got done. The visit from the miserable resident engineer shocked us all by saying it was the best tarmacing he had ever seen. We were all chuffed to bits. Thinking about it later it was because we got so into what we were doing we wanted it to be right. And not for anyone other than us. "Ear you missed a bit" was not greeted with a moan but with a thanks for pointing it out mate. The job was immaculate . So IMO it can be a benefit in many ways, Trouble is nowadays kids smoke far too much of it. And it's stronger . Making it legal here ? It'll never happen.
Interesting story. I guess like most things it is a question of moderation. It probably won't happen here because politicians are scared of doing anything that may be portrayed in a negative fashion by the other side; elections are usually not won, they are lost.
There's no need for new legislation. The people who want to smoke it, will, the people who don't, won't. Legislation costs money that won't be recouped by taxing weed, so just tell plod not to bother arresting anyone for it. Job done.
There is a very large argument for the legalisation of cannabis, mainly the massive amount of taxes the government can get from it. If its controlled in the same way as drink and cigarettes then there are avenues available. However, I can't see the stiff upper lip of the old guard voting for it though
No dope till your >25yrs old. Reduce its strength coz skunk is way too strong. Let me buy a nice gentle spliff to unwind in the evening. Thats all I want.
Unfortunately political decisions about laws relating to all forms of drugs including alcohol are not taken on the basis of rationality or scientific evidence. These types of decisions are always taken purely on the basis of prejudice. So long as no politician can afford to risk being accused of being "soft on drugs", reason will never get a look in.
They won't take that much from it, that's why they're not overly interested in it. Many recreational users will knock it on the head if it gets too expensive (as it surely will), and the more serious adherents will continue to source it illegally.
I think it's pretty huge. But I don't think making it legal will either affect the numbers or increase revenue - you can't exactly buy it from the corner shop at the moment, and even if you could I think most people would rather just buy from their regular source, and not worry too much where they get it from.