Shoulder Bags

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Herbert1804, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. Does anyone here use one? Any recommendations? I just want something simple to carry some work papers and related stuff, or just for popping down the shops for small items. I don't particularly want or need a gaudy or expensive Ducati branded one.

    Any drawbacks of using a shoulder or messenger bag? I wouldn't be intending to use it at motorway speeds!
  2. ive a puma ducati courier style bag. altho beware as my colleges call it my pizza delivery bag.

  3. i have another name for it but as i am only just getting to know you. i will keep it to myself.
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  4. Man up and buy a kreiga rucksack
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Kreiga aren't all that great. I've the R20 and hate the fact there's just a main compartment and a small netted one and that's it. Everything ends up in a tangled pile at the bottom. Also they leak where the straps slot in through the rucksack material. Been gathering dust now as I use a North Face rucksack that has side pockets, internal pockets and 2 compartments all waterproof.
    Oh and Kreiga's warranty...... Unless you have the receipt or transaction number they won't even bother with a repair or replacement despite a 6year(I think) warranty. So forget buying a used one cos the warranty doesn't apply unless you have a receipt. So much for standing by your product Kreiga.

    On the subject of the OP, I had an O'neil over the shoulder bag but found it gets blown around even at 30/40mph, and it keeps slipping round under my arm which was annoying. I liked the idea of an easy lightweight bag but just having a single shoulder strap didn't work for me.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. And there was me thinking I was the only one who thought Kreiga was over hyped, over expensive and ugly stuff.
  7. back in the day you just stuck the paper down the front of your jacket,, and it kept the wind out
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  8. placky baag works everyday.
  9. Top box ?
  10. you are kidding,, I hope
  11. ;)
  12. :Happy:
  13. Small tailpack.

    An over the shoulder bag can move around and distract you. Plus they are uncool unless you are italian and live in italy.

    Do whatever makes you happy Dave.
  14. #14 Ducbird, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2014
  15. I've got a shoulder bag that has an extra strap from bottom corner of bag to a connecting loop on the strap. Stops the thing moving about. But still not a fan of it on the bike. I use a quicksilver rucksack I got from TK Max for a tenner. I've got a plastic rucksack liner inside it for when it rains.

    My Kriega stuff all works fine. 4 summers in Scotland with no leaks but a bit of a faff commuting with tail pack.
  16. Thanks for the replies guys. Appreciated. I actually ended up with the Knox Rucksack which has some pretty neat features and didn't break the bank. But that bum bag thing mentioned by Ducbird looks really useful. And may well be just what I need. Next stop Amazon.
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  17. It's great to carry phone brush money lip gloss keys as a bum bag though I put it on the back of me and then if you pop to shop or collect work papers it easily converts to rucksack and back again
    Highly recommended
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Can't immediately find it on Amazon. Only the std bum bag version. But it's late so will look harder tomorrow! Thanks!
  19. Can't believe we have a man bag thread - tossers :rolleyes:
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