Shrink avatar pic.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Biot, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. I am new here so please forgive this simpleton question. How do I shrink a picture to fit the 100 pixel/70kb size that's required for this site? I AM NOT puter savy, hence this post.
    I thank you all.:biggrin:
  2. I'm not either but hello and welcome
    The more knowledgable ones amongst us will be along shortly
  3. You can use Microsoft picture manager to compress the picture.

    right click on the image- select 'open with' and select picture manager. Then go to edit pictures and select compress on the right hand side. If you use the email option it should go down small enough.

  4. Open file with Microsoft Office Picture Manager then use Picture - Resize

    Or look for something similar in any picture editor such as Photoshop.
  5. What I do is choose "email" from the top of the pic.
    Then choose "small".
    Pic will then re-size in an email.

    Save shrunk pic, then use as Avi....:upyeah:
  6. Thank you all. As you can see i've done it!!
  7. For anyone else looking for a simple solution, download the free "Pixresizer" program and the rest is simple. Import your pic and pick whatever size you need.
  8. I know you've done it but you could also use a programme called pixresizer - PIXresizer - Download

    Piece of the proverbial :smile:
  9. Surely any PC whether laptop, desktop or Mac has a basic image editing programme as standard within the software that came with it?

    IE PAINT or MS Picture Manager etc etc.

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