What do people use for this? the stands have small feet and I am alwasys looking for something strong to stick in my jacket pocket to be able to use and support the bike on softer ground, most are plastic and don't inspire any confidence with me? anyone found or know of any good metal ones ?
I use glass jar lids and can particularly recommend those found on Barry Norman pickled onions. Its a win win, you get to eat the delicious pickled onions and have something free that stops your bike falling over.
An as ad hoc thing I have in the past found myself on either a gravel driveway or very soft ground and employed the use of a discarded squashed drinks can spotted in nearby undergrowth, a good emergency solution....if there's one to hand of course.
I keep a freebie one they handed out at brands BSB many moons ago under my rear seat in what Ducati laughingly consider ample room. Failing that a squashed coke can (other drinks are available from alternative manufacturers) does the job too.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-x-75mm...hash=item25a6056b86:m:m0OQ_IWzjnZXCJV8SOghjew just bought a couple, might be of use as a link to others