Silly Girls?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. The Scottish girl's mother thought she was in Spain on holiday. Can't tell me that she didn't know what she was doing.

    Silly tart.
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  2. The parents probably didn't know what their little girls were doing. How could they?

    The girls on the other hand.... Let's see now: someone in Ibiza suggests that you go to Peru for a short trip and that they will pay so long as you bring some things back. And you don't know you are being used as a drug mule.

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  3. Sometimes people decide to do something extremely risky, maybe for money or maybe for thrills. And sometimes the risk turns out for the worst with a catastrophic outcome. I feel a degree of sympathy for the person who has ended up in a prison, or a wheelchair, or a coffin but I would not exactly call them silly for taking a risk.
  4. I would. But then I would expect 19 year olds to make sub-optimal, silly decisions. It's part of growing up. A bit sad that it is likely to cost them years behind bars in a very unpleasant environment. They'll grow up a lot faster there.
  5. I do feel for their parents... Must be horrific having your little girl banged up in some Peruvian prison :-(
  6. Some of us sometimes do extremely risky things like riding motorbikes, or racing them. Sometimes it goes badly wrong and we end up in prison, or a wheelchair, or a coffin. So are we all silly too?
  7. people at work think I'm bonkers for riding a bike / track days etc, so yes, I would say there is a level of silliness. I'd never jump out of a plane for thrills, but people do it. The difference is, what we do for thrills isn't against the law...
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  8. That depends what sort of a parent you have been all these years. ...........:wink:

    Quoting Pete from another thread.......
  9. For me there is a big difference between riding a bike - or even racing them - and deliberately going on a drug-smuggling trip. I doubt it was for the adrenaline. I'll bet it was for the money - just another example of people thinking they could get something for nothing. And if you're not a drug-smuggler and you're nervous, to take your analogy, it's a bit like owing your bike for a week and taking part in a race with professionals. You're going to get found out.

    They clearly had never seen Midnight Express.
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  10. Well. I'm sure they will undergo a fair trial in time. It surprised me how many other Brits were over there either charged, or awaiting trial... I'm also pretty sure the silly girls will get to know their cell mates (dykey, fisty and stabby) very well indeed!
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  11. I am with Glid here. They fully knew what was going on. FFS how can you not know what is in your bag all together? Especially when you are from Ireland bringing Peruvian food from Peru to Spain. Fact that only one of them denied and said she was forced (and how exactly are you forced on airport?!) yet did not know what is in bag?! If you forced to take Z on-board what do you think it will be gummy bears? The other one sits quiet like her solicitor told her to ;P
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  12. In the airport at Singapore there is a constantly running announcement saying that ANYONE caught importing drugs WILL face the death penalty, and they mean it. Maybe everyone else should do the same... Anyone stupid enough to try it should be removed from the gene-pool anyway, for the good of humanity.
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  13. Yes, yes... it's very sad for their parents etc, etc... But that is nothing compared to the sadness that all the drugs they were smuggling would have caused.
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  14. Oh dear. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Tragic, but true
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  15. So, they now claim that they were forced into carrying the drugs at gunpoint... Err, so when they got to the airport, why not go to the authorities then? I can't believe that police don't patrol within the airport... Also they originally claimed they didn't know there were any drugs in their suitcases...

    guilty as charged M'Lud.... Send them down!...
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  16. I'm afraid they are bang to rights. They are the foolish little people who make the drug trade possible. Not evil, just naive and thick.
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  17. Also, had they got away with it and got the pay-off, what odds on them going back for another "trip" for easy money?

    They're likely to get a long time to reflect on their actions
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  18. They knew exactly what they were doing. One was working as a club hostess and I refuse to believe she was innocent and naive. Had they genuinely been forced at gunpoint to enter the airport carrying then at the first opportunity you would alert the authorities. I suspect they wanted easy money and were offered a decent sum for a quick trip. There is no way you can honestly say you had no idea what you were carrying, it would obviously be narcotics and claiming otherwise harms your defence in my book.

    The woman in Bali who claims they threatened her children is in the exact same situation and I don't believe her either. In both cases, had they made the trip undetected, I suspect they would be enjoying the illicit gains without making any effort to get away from the people supposedly forcing them into the trip at gunpoint.
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  19. '....what you mean that was a kilo of hard drugs in the bag? I thought it was a collection of playing cards!! ' Dumb will only get you so far in life. In this case, not very far at all
    #20 mattmccabebrown, Aug 14, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2013
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