In Chesterfield hospital for the night with a shattered Scapula, will be looking for a few bit for the bike soon. Steve
They say about twelve weeks, just got the bike in tip top condition, looks like a winter project. Steve
Thank for all the well wishes, only 100 yards from home, two sharp righthand downhill and lent it over for a left, still in first gear and the throttle just stuck open, no time to do anything other than drop it. Bike looked a mess but I was in so much pain I haven't had time to look properly. Should be home tomorrow if they don't operate. Steve
Sorry to hear that, always a shame\sad when these sort of things happen. I hope you make a quick recovery, best of luck.
Sorry to hear that Steve. Been there, done that. Hope you mend soon. The bike can be fixed when you're fixed.
What a plonker! Fancy busting a shoulder blade at your age, silly sod............ Hope it mends quickly.......a few Spax screws ought to do it, I suppose....... AL
Sorry to hear - hope you are sorted soon, and best of luck with the winter project (great pragmatic attitude, btw)
No operation needed, shoulder blade broke in three places with numerous splinters, estimated 12 weeks out of action and then the rebuild begins. The bike that is. Steve