Silverstone motogp entry

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. So weather is to be better and I might be able to skip work about 3am tonight. Was thinking going to MGP, what are the chances of getting in (buying tickets at gate) about 1100? I was thinking home by 4:30, sleep by 5:00 till 8:00. Depart by 8:30 and be there by 11:00
  2. Lucas I have to admire your get up and go attitude. Didn't look like there were too many spectators whilst watching the qualifying today though!

    Can you not give them a ring?
  3. Doubt a ring will do it is more about previous years experience. I just do not want to show up to be turned away or worse show up, pay and not be able to see anything as it will be impossible to get near the track.
  4. Have you seen VR's position on the grid ? That is the answer to your question :wink:
  5. Just did now what up with Cruchlow, he so far back tickets will be 50% off by the time I get there ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  6. So, did you go in the end?
    Some good racing to watch, for a change.
  7. At the end no as I could be there earliest at 1100 so 80gbp for half day no.
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