Six years for that? Really?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Loz, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. I cannot understand a minimum sentence of six years for someone giving someone else a life sentence.

    Fucking. Staggering.
  2. It does seem fairly incoherent.

    Surely if a minimum tariff is 6 years, that rather implies that he won't serve much more time than this if well-behaved whereas his girlfriend has had her life ruined.

    I can't help feeling that someone who is capable of such cruelty is a psychotic who probably shouldn't be at large in society at all. Ever.
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  3. Does not seem to add, he would have gotten longer if he would have robbed a bank
  4. Good point. Criminal courts often have a difficult decision to make, whether an offender before them is insane or not. If insane, he has to be detained in a secure mental hospital - and possibly might be certified sane enough to be released at some later date. If sane, he is a criminal to be sent to prison in the usual way. The Norwegian courts struggled with this in the case of Anders Breivik, you will recall. The trouble is we can't have it both ways - either he's insane or he isn't.
  5. I'm controversial - I think you can have it both ways.

    Simple answer (and it is a simple one) ... find the guy insane and treat him - later, if he's deemed to be sane, he can then start his prison sentence.

    Believe me, that is my compromise solution to this sort of thing. You wouldn't like my preferred options.
  6. What a weird bit of journalism - the headline is about her current boyfreind attacking her, but the story is about something that happened last year...
  7. Yes, it's a little like a story about someone tripping over an hurting themselves, then adding an aside that they tripped over an undiscovered mass grave.
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  8. should he have taken a leaf out of stuart halls book?? only 15 months for being a monster.
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