
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Anyone else having this? Adverts are attached to key words in posts, so you get ads popping up if you mouse over them. I've run a virus check on my computer but can't find owt.
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  2. Forum owner cashing in on the increased number of members!

    Mission, startup forum, post a while to make look busy, get members, get mods, don't post no more, members list up, sell sections to shops, sell add space and so on... MAKE money from suckers like us.
  3. That post sums you up.
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  4. Yes I am having the exact same thing , pissing me off ,so much so that I am even thinking of not coming here. :mad:
    Good job I haven't been on any porn or words like cock, dick, arsehole, and you pussy might be highlighted , think what they'd bring up. :eek:
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  5. Fig, suck my balls.
  6. And that one.
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  7. hahahahahahahahahahaha
  8. So is it a forum problem then? Or do we both have to see the computer doctor?
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  9. you just need to get some decent malware protection I think
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  10. Told you what it is, you no listen!

    Its the OWNER switched on adds! But he will claim it was an "upgrade"

    Whats your favourite flower?
  11. Got no ads on mine
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  12. Nor me, Apple :D
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  13. crocoPuffs: Arnold Schwarzenegger Soundboard
    Andy that's highlighted as "fuck you arsehole"in an Arnie soundbite. :biggrin:

    I get great pleasure having this up when my missus is trying to talk to me , and I reply with one of these answers .
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  14. If its not the owner, then its more likely to be a browser thing. Has an 'update' been done to browser that adds shit to it? Google chrome add ons or ask fucking jeeves?
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  15. Ha and you Peter, suck em.
  16. PAY money and go Add free :)
  17. I did donate to Ducatisti , I donated every year , (not realising it was a one off donation) and was thanked personally by Dan every time , I still donated once he told me it wasn't meant to be like a yearly subscription . nevertheless I considered it appropriate because of the fun and help I got from the forum .
    This to be fair is pretty much the same . However I feel that all the great tech info lost from Ducatisti makes me not want to donate again. Once burned and all that.
  18. Don't get it on the iPad, and not noticed it on my work laptop, but could be a giggle if its linking to random words or sentences!!
  19. Well, it seems to have gone now without me doing anything. Very strange.
  20. Google Chrome seems to attract a lot of this. I get it every now and again with pop ups running video and\or sound. Totally annoying and a pop up killer doesn't stop all of it.
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