Skin Burns - Pad Out The First Aid Kit!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by freshage, Oct 25, 2023.

  1. Yesterday I spilled several ltrs of boiling water all over my wrist and forearm whilst trying to drain some pasta (lifted pot from hob, cloth I used to lift the pot snagged on the hob, large pot then just tipped to the right).

    I did the age old trick of cool water running over the burn area, but the pain was remarkably intense. I thought I had a high pain threshold but I had to take some pain killers and grit my teeth. What really saved the day was these gel dressing packs and burn gel I had stashed in the first aid kit.

    This is just a public reminder to stock up on burn gel and dressing, without it, I'm sure it would look a lot worse today!
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  2. Blimey thanks for the heads up

    Do you have a link to what you used I will get some in
  3. These are the closest to what I have, they both were essential!

    This & this.
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  4. if it blisters get to and A and E, spent months in east grinstead
  5. This was our worry, I've broken bones, ripped skin and even had a bone marrow infection! So I'm fairly comfortable with pain, but christ on a bike, this was next level. My first proper burn.

    I've got 3 very small blisters today, a few mm big, remarkably the rest of the skin is just a little tight and a little sore but I'd align it with bad sunburn, really bad sunburn. I reckon had I not have had that kit in my first aid, it would have been a different story for sure.

    The wife was worried I'd go into shock it looked that bad at first :D
    #6 freshage, Oct 25, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2023
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  6. I hope you’re ok, but go on, let’s have some pictures!
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Nothing like a bit of gore:):upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. You're on the internet, plenty of it out there :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. I'm sorry to hear about your burn accident, freshage. It sounds like a painful experience, and I'm glad you were able to manage it effectively. Cooling the burn with running water was a smart move. Having gel dressing packs and burn gel in your first aid kit truly made a difference in your situation.
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