Might end up a daft question. Coming from a sports bike to the 2013 PP model with the new sky hook suspension. I had Ohlins suspension on my last bike and had it all set up for a fat bloke complete with starting by setting the sag. Question is can you set the sag on the 2013 bike with semi active suspension and do you have to do it with the ignition on or with the engine running. The suspension seems not to be active when the bike is turned off. Any Ideas? thanks
Yes you can. The SkyHook only acts sets the damping behavior. You can still set the preload like the last bike. The rear is electronic and the front is manual. I think the manual has instructions for both. Some Ducati specialists should be able to help you get that sorted.
As he says, it is done electronic in the back and mechanical on the right front fork. When the bike is stationary with ignition on, you can go into the bikes settings menu by pushing and holding the lower button on the left switch gear. Easy to do when you at the same time have your owners manual at hand
Thanks, when I get the time I'll check both front and rear for the correct sag dimensions for me and decide if its worth the time setting it up correctly.