999 Slipper Clutch ?

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by yellowducmaniac, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Does anyone on here recognise the make of slipper clutch currently being sold by Pro-twins on ebay......not sure how to post a link ,but its pretty easy to find,i have mailed them asking a few questions and they don't seem to know what brand it is,can anyone help?
  2. Yep. ..that's the one.
  3. It is entirely possible the lack of identity on the pressure plate indicates it is an after market copy of the Bucci but that doesn't mean that it is crap. There is evidence of wear and you would want to use alloy plates not steel as the steel will rip it to pieces. Andy
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  4. Might seem a stupid question but will any dry slipper clutch fit any dry clutch ducati ?,there's one or two up for sale at the moment on ebay they specifically state for '1098' etc,would this fit fit my 999?...the reason I ask is because there is one on there for a 848 with 5 centre poles instead of 6.
  5. As far as im aware they all fit.Only difference is a nut for later 1098 series.

    I tried running alloy plates in a dp slipper clutch and didn't get on with it.Upgraded to STM 6 spring slipper clutch running bronze sintered racing plate set and much better although this clutch pack spec is harsher on basket.STM use these clutch plates for both standard 6 spring slipper and evoluzione in both 12t and 48t kits.

    While at it I opted to upgrade the clutch master cylinder to a brembo radial mc and that was another big improvement.
    #7 matt#corse, Feb 11, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2015
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