smart phone

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by peter james, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. I see posts with tapatalk I'm assuming thats from a smart phone.
    the reason I ask is my contract is up in November and I want to get a decent phone for the first time in my life.
    I've always had shite ones due to working in the building trade but I want to treat myself for a change.
    Whats best between an Iphone and a Samsung , I'm leaning towards an Iphone as I'm also going to treat myself to an I pad (I know" behind the times" you say)
    but the truth is I've never bothered about technology before , in fact I dont often answer my phone because I hate it. However I want to be able to take pics and be like all those other hi tech barstewards that slide their pinkie across the screen like their wiping a bogey away :wink:
  2. I never wanted an iPhone I couldn't understand all the hype
    Guess what.... I have the iphone4 and I can't live without it
    tapatalk is an app that allows you to access the forum in easy touch and tap

    I don't use a PC. I do everything via the iPhone
  3. If you want an iPad then there's only 1 choice and that's the iPhone. I have both and wouldn't be without them.
  4. I live in the i world too....the mac, the phone, the pod and pad

    But I also use an android based tablet too, and Android is more flexible if your wanting a more open OS, but for ease of use the Apple has it stitched up....just about, if they ever sort iTunes out as its still the weak link.
  5. The iPad and iPhone are the simplest bit of kit I've ever used. They are logical in everything they do. Unlike other operating systems.
  6. Are you beginning to feel that Apple have it sewn up?
  7. iPhone and iPad user here. Love the simple intuitive method of use. A few gripes, but, not enough to make me swap.
  8. Yes by removing almost everything you do not need and loads you do.

    Maybe go and try Nokia Lumia 900 with windows phone or even better from October Lumia 920. Ease of use redefined.
  9. Sorry MAC user for years since they where dirty grey little boxes!
    Used an Android phone was dire... Got shot.
    Not sure about the new Nokia..
    Very sad that they have lost so much market now as I was a Nokia user for phones and loved them!

    I sadly think they have jumped on the band wagon too late :(

    Like free messaging to other iPhone users .. And well use it as an IPod all the time :)
  10. I'd of always said get an Iphone before last week, however my mrs has just got a samsung galaxy s3 and its brilliant. Very very fast, quite large i guess bit still not too big and extremely thin & light. its far better for browsing on the move as well as other things. Like has been said the android OS is far more open and actually lets you make decisions about how to run your device. The google play store (basically app store) has everything her iphone had on it and more, im sure theres some stuff on the app store thats not on android but i doubt theres much thats relevant.

    I've had every iphone from the 3G onwards (mainly through work) and although I use an iPad as my tablet (home Internet browsing etc) I'd now highly consider switching away from Apple.

    You see apple are very smart at marketing and making you think IOS and their products are the only option but that's now simply not true. Yes the iPhones are built very well (from the outside) but believe me loads of things fail on them from antennas, silent switches, vibration alert etc

    My mrs Samsung is exceptionally well made, it's just not quite as 'swish' feeling as an iphone because it feels lighter and has no metal showing thus giving a slightly lower quality impression (but not much) hers comes with 16gb storage and I can go and buy her another 32gb card freely from any supplier from as little as £14.99 and that's a well known named brand. I could get her a larger card if need be.

    The android OS has full task manager type kills on it so you can see what apps use what ram etc and you can limit data use so you never go over your plan.

    Android will start to leap frog IOS from apple very soon if it hasn't already, the reason why is because more true 'geeks' love android and there's far more open development on that OS.

    Apple have always developed IOS to have features but then lock them down for further upgrades, most of which when they switch them on make the phones laggy and less responsive.

    Im not having a compete downer on Apple or the iPhones as they're still very very good and made that huge leap first, but truth be known their also very very controlling and it's almost like 'they' still own your device and your just renting it, very locked down and it's only when they develop or 'allow' a new thing that it will be available.

    With Android there's such a continual push from so many different corners of the globe for development it'll simply take over, you'll see twice as many OS releases than apple if not more and due to less regulations more and more app developers will give android development priority as the app they design will likely get passed but with Apple it can be knocked back for various reasons (control freaks)

    Id go and play with both and read some up to date online reviews, i didn't believe the hype either but technology moves fast and just because it's apple it dosnt mean its the best anymore or the best for the future, they'll always have die hard fans but frankly that dosnt mean a lot.

    And yes, next tablet I buy may very well be android based
  11. I must be the black sheep here then, I've been an HTC user for quite a long time and love them and Android, currently have the HTC Sensation :smile:
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  12. I have everything linked for work (outlook, word, excel etc etc) and my iPhone and iPad all synced seamlessly. I tried an android and windows phone when I had the opportunity to change a few weeks back, and they were cumbersome in that respect. You would have thought that a windows based phone would sync easily with a windows pc but it certainly wasn't the case.

    Im sure that as phones the android and windows phones were ok in isolation. But they didn't do what I want and need for work so I plumped for the iPhone 4S.
  13. I am an IT Neanderthal but have tried to get with it. I bought the wife an I pad for her birthday because she has gone to OZ for a month. I was hoping the folks she was staying with had Wi Fi and we could keep in touch with Skype.
    Shortly before she went I bought an I pod cos better than Skype is facetime.

    Anyhow when she got there no Wi Fi. She went to a Telstra shop and bought a pre paid Wi Fi dongle

    Isn't technology today amazing. Video conversations from the other side of the world. I bet in a few years time you will be standing talking to a hollogram to comunicate
  14. Im with damodici on this one, to many people are brainwashed into thinking Apple products are better through clever marketing which simply isnt true.

    I agree that the iphone/ipad is easy to use for people that arent that savvy techwise but thats about it as your tied to crappy itunes and a very rigid OS, if you try an android based machine for a while you soon get used to it along with the far supperior flexibility and customisation you begin to learn there is more to the world then just apple...

    I got a xoom2 andriod tablet about a year ago and at the time it was just better than the ipad2 spec wise although its been left behind now its still a very capable machine and its about to recieve the very lastest android OS which will keep it current enough for me for some time to come.

    On the phone side of things, again android for me as Im really hard on equipment and rely on my phone for work, battery life is important too, theres two things that the iphone isnt good at... seen to many broken screens and listened to my mates whinging about pathetic battery life of the iphone...

    The phone I have now lasts around three days on a charge with constant use and has a toughened screen so it works for me.

    Im not an apple basher but just want to balance the argument, yes the iphone does look pretty for a thing but being a mechanic form over function just isnt enough for me I need practicality,

    You really need to try different phones and make your own decision but don't be blinded by opinion.

    #14 stickyjamfinger, Sep 10, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2012
  15. The sales numbers for both sets of products make for interesting reading. The latest figures show over 1.5 million new Android devices being activated globally every day. That number is up from 1 million per day in just 6 months. Apple on the other hand are reporting activations at just one quarter of that figure. However, Apple effectively have just one or two products making up that figure which is quite impressive compared to Androids figures which are based on several manufacturers and a multitude of products. Apple are getting their butts kicked when it comes to share of the market but they are making a tidy profit from the rather expensive devices that they do sell. They should be worried though. Microsoft certainly are. I'm sure their attempt to buy Google recently was not just so that they could get their hands on the search engine and its advertising revenue, but more because they see Android as a serious threat to their laptop market. With quality Android tablets now coming in below £200 both MS and Apple should be getting rather nervous.

    And me, well I've been an HTC fanboi for several years now, with early O2 XDA devices (made by HTC) running Windows mobile, through to Windows 6.0 and 6.5, and now Android for the last year. I've played with Apple devices for many years now and I think the most impressive thing about Apple is their very clever marketing. They make slick devices which are initially easy to use, but ultimately limited in capability.
  16. Been using a HTC for two years now and looking to potentially go iphone next month. Android is fine as an OS, fast and very customizable but because of the varying user interfaces presented by each manufacturer, they can be clunky and not very intuitive. HTC have ruined the experience for me with their bugged phones.
  17. I've been an iPhone user for a number of years using their 3, 4 and 4S models. Whilst they are very good, they haven't really evolved that much in functionality. The camera on the 4S is very good, the phones do work reliably and are easy to use, Siri I find is a bit of a gimmick really.
    Bought the other half an HTC Desire a while back, she was initially pleased with it but the camera wasn't great and it had major memory / storage issues which ultimately ruined it for her. It's recently been replaced with a Samsung S3, which I have to say is absolutely brilliant, certainly a match for the iPhone and in many ways better than the iPhone, the screen is amazing, the camera very good, and it just works really well. I wouldn't pay a premium for the iPhone over the S3, if they're both on the same deal then choose either, they're both very very good!
  18. Apple want to maintain a complete and exclusive monopoly over all the hardware, the operating system, the apps, the content, and even the cables. They insist on keeping control over everything. You the customer are prevented from doing what you choose with the device you have bought (at a high price, incidentally). That is Apple's business model - megalomania.

    To me, Apple is therefore totally unacceptable and I would not buy anything they sell. I really don't care in the slightest what their products look like.
  19. Android, HTC here.
  20. Hello Birdie...Andy P here
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