I saw a snake on holiday in the Camargue - last summer. That is, I was on holiday, not the snake. This is it - it might be resting after eating a frog. Apologies if this has nothing to do with the original post......
I used to keep snakes many years ago, Californian King snakes, lovely animals. I had one for nearly 20 years.
I’ve got a Royal Python and a Corn snake. Had a few boas a while back too. Oh and I’ve got Amazon Milk Frogs too
Wow, that seems a long time to live. Just had a quick Google at what they look like - black and white bands, look a handsome animal. I have had to look most of this stuff up on Google. Very interesting - some amazing creatures out there.
Tries to suck up to the people that despise him and all he stands for. Sad really… And he’s seemingly a right grumpy bastard.
I'm gonna have to call a point of order here - a snake bite is half cider & half lager. Makes it go cloudy. A poor man's Black Velvet is half Guinness & half cider & is very nice. A rich man's Black Velvet is Guinness & champagne which I've never being able to afford. I suspect it is very nice also. All three can do serious damage if a shot of your choice is depth charged in them e.g. port, Pernod etc etc.