Has anyone had or heard of this before, downpipe has completely snapped in two. Looks like the weld has given way. 2015 1299 with 9k miles
May well have been bolted on wrongly. Should leave bolts slightly slackened off until everything lined up, then tighten. May have put that part under undue stress.
I think there was a similar post a short while back about the same thing. May have been a 1098 though, I vaguely remember.
Just replaced the downpipe, and very curious as to what the hole is for just behind the header, the original pipe on the bike and the replacement direct from Ducati both are unplugged. Any ideas or is this normal Cheers
Shouldn't that be plugged?! Looks like a lamb sensor paint for a probe of some kind, if it doesn't have one (like above it in the pic)
Yep, a few of these are cracking around the weld. As others have said, that should have a plug in it...