So what are you giving up for Lent ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cooknick, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. After having cooked and scoffed a plate full of pancakes each, we started to discuss what we would be giving up for Lent, when I said sex I thought Archer was going to choke :)
  2. Going to church.
    • Like Like x 3
  3. Driving Ferraris'
  4. Supermodels.
  5. Married men :)

  6. phew :upyeah:
  7. You mean piri piri boy is married ??


    Or am I

  8. Oh baby
  9. Phew made it
  10. Hahahaha fast fingers Char?

    For the record that sounded like less of a chat up line in my head.
  11. Lent
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  12. I'm giving up putting the wrong type if fuel in my vehicle and punctures

    I may however take up smoking
  13. Nooooo not again because that means when I hang out with you I will too.
  14. I tried it the other day

    I nearly chocked
  15. Do you use cigarettes to stop unmanned aircraft from rolling down runways?
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  16. Errrrrr, lent, eeerrrmmmmm, ah yes, Sweet FA :upyeah:
  17. So after the reaction to my suggestion to give up sex for Lent I have decided to abstain from chocolate for the duration :-(
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  18. As there's a recession on, I've decided to give up my wild all-night parties, cocaine and russian hookers, and concentrate instead on sitting in a freezing cold bungalow talking to internet weirdos on motorbike sites...
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  19. Thank christ for that! I can cope with not having chocolate around the house ( after I've finished the Maltesers) but giving up sex, not a chance!
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