So what you think9

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Hey Lucaz hows you doing ?
    Wouldnt you be better off buying something in bits, lets face it mate youre gonna take it apart anyway :biggrin:
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  2. Imam good I am good you?

    I want to ride it first for a bit before I brake it ;)
  3. Chris, you always seem to find them when i dont have any dosh !! :tongue:
  4. I need to get one first. I like the silver one but it has no official service history.

    Was thinking checking it out anything I should be looking for?

    Anyone I or near Goldthorpe who could have a quick one's over for me?
  5. Blimey Luca you will have to take care of a 996 it's not your monster that you can just chuck against the wall and forget to wash you know!!

    Lordy I can see the threads now :-O
  6. No history = No buy unless you can get serious chunk off price, like £1000+ to give yourself some chance of getting it right to us. Not necessarily main dealer but proof that it's had regular maint. work carried out, I take photos of all mine as I do work each year with picture of speedo and miles each time plus keep receipts for parts.
  7. I am looking at getting price down to 3.5k max. Is it any good price for it (silver one)?
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