So whats Santa bringing you?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. I haven't a clue. Never do. Though I did drop a handy Xmas hint around August for a new back protector. :smile:

    What are you getting do you think?? :cool:
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  2. Realistically - I would like some Ducati aftershave, a food processor, and a set of drill bits
    #2 wantz1, Dec 16, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2012
  3. I'd like a present. Not fussed about what sort of present. Only I didn't do terrifically well on that front last year:frown:
  4. He said I'd been a naughty girl - so something black and leather I hope
  5. Think he delivered mine early lol
  6. Santa's bringing me a nice 748 :D and a trip to Vegas :D
  7. Treat the kids and the parents and that's it, no pressies ether way between me and her to be obeyed.

    P.S. she's not allowed in the garage so I do treat myself. :wink:
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  8. Lol naughty
  9. Sounds interesting ? Is there something your not telling us?
  10. An empty wallet!
  11. Wot, a big leather-clad black man?
  12. ooohh no thank you

    Ryan Gosling and or Jeremy Renner - not fussed about the leather :eek:
  13. I'm getting a Native Instruments Maschine MkII

    I only know for sure because I actually have to go and buy it!
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  14. Some socks and pants...........just like last year..............and the year before..........and the year before......and
  15. Your Santa seems to be in tune with mine.
    I went to Vegas earlier in the year to celebrate my 50th and picked up my 1098 yesterday.

    That Santa, he's a great guy :biggrin:
  16. Not much I would think.

    But then I have a fire every evening, so I'm not exactly encouraging him, am I?
  17. Socks and pants :( that's rather grim poor you!

    I have no idea ... I've not asked for anything.
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