I really don't get some people. I sell my 1098s through eBay. A guy from London wants it and I'm in Newcastle. He agrees to buy it blind which is fine as the bike is mint, but doesn't even speak to me and does everything through e-mail. It all seems a little strange, so I call the guy up and speak to him, there are no problems but I insist on a depoosit as he can't collect for 3 weeks. He sends me the deposit with no problems. OK, still not the way I would have done it, but everyone's different. The same day, I get an offer for the same price. Being a man of my word, I tell this guy the situation about the deposit but tell him I'll certinly give him 2nd chance if the sale falls through. He thanks me for that but wants a bike pretty quickly. 2 days later he gives me a courtesy mail to say he's placed a deposit on a bike himself so isn't in the position to buy anymore, but thanks all the same. Now today, I get a mail from guy 1 who's mates are telling him he's mad for buying a Ducati (armchair experts eh) and what do I think he shoud do !!! He's having serious cold feet here. I was never really bothered about selling the bike, but when you think something is sold it's annoying when people mess about. I could never be a bike or car dealer, it must be infuriating
yup- that's the problem with ebay....whatever you put on you always seem to draw out a twat who messes you around....been there but that's the rub - ebay gets more coverage than any of the other sites.
If guy 1 is asking the seller for advice, he's either a fool, or trying it on. Hope you took a decent deposit.
I have had it myself. Providing the first guy accepts he has lost the deposit then take it and re-advertise it. It's not pleasant but I have had some stupid offers for things that I have had on buy it now but have been willing to accept an offer basis. Sadly there are a lot of none too bright sparks out there who really shouldn't be walking the streets let alone loose in society!!!! I have had a couple of people that seem to be completely mad. That's the drawback of eBay.
Deffo non returnable. Just tell him he is missing a great bike. But do try and keep a straight face when doing so
Indeed, keep it, that's the point of deposits. If we were to start giving deposits back, there will be even more messers than there is now.
Can I have my deposit back please mister , I'm sorry I messed you about but the wife has cancer and the daughters collage fees need paying, I haven't eaten for a week and if you don't give me back my deposit I don't know how I'll pay for the air ambulance your gonna need . :biggrin:
It appears that the morons,timewasters and scammers now outweigh the decent traders on ebay.Not to mention the chancers that think there item is so good that it's worth a whole heap of money and is much sought after.
As a Buyer I 'think I'm a decent sort , I've never not completed a sale . 100% feedback and don't ever fuck the seller around , I do my best to resolve any issues . I reckon I'm ebay gold to a seller.
I been trying to sell a Guzzi I got as part of a business deal on Ebay. Buyer from Ireland bids and wins. Comes over a couple of days later to pick it up and starts finding faults and knock down the price, I tell him v politely this is not going to happen, he chose to bid on something without inspecting it, he walks away and apologises, a week later he leaves me negative feedback F.... sake what's all that about? I had to relist it, finally sold it to a guy who asked for loads of pics and info which I gave him. And this whole affair was fraught with scammers asking for my bank details cos 'they working abroad and can't collect bike for a month' eBay is a nightmare and full of timewasters.
I will be putting one of my bikes up for sale on ebay later today.will be going down the classified price route. I will post up any interesting responses here.
eBay is becoming full of traders who just have classified ads (often dearer than the local shops!) and folks on the fiddle / make. Decent buyers and sellers seem a exception now rather than the norm. What kind of scumbag thinks its acceptable to buy a computer hard drive, pay up, then when it's delivered raise a dispute through eBay, get their money back and return a different (obviously broken) one? A cvnts trick.