Some Dutch Bloke With A 999 :)

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by AlexGT, Jul 3, 2019.

  1. Hi guys, since some time I'm the owner of a 999 in black. :cool:
    I've read a lot in this forum already, but sometimes I want to join the conversation so thats why I signed up now.
    Originally I was in the market for a 748/996. But after test riding some I started leaning to its brother the 749/999. I also started leaning towards 9** with the bigger engines.
    especially the 748 lacked some power imho..

    I was looking for a red one... but then a black one appeared that was, except the fact it was red, just what I was looking for! So, bought it... a black 2005 999..

    Don't regret my choice at all! What a machine, stable steering and grunt. Might get a red outfit for her once though. But I started to really like the black too.

    I own her since december and put quite some miles on her already, 5000km. Did some small 3 and 1 day tours and did a nice topspeed run on the autobahn, reaching its ' - - - ' top speed... :motorcycleduc:

    I'm now just looking for a DP clutch cover, the one that covers half of the clutch...
    (So if anyone has one for sale.. ) :)
    And some other nice bling that has a bit less priority.

    Cheers, Alex

    Here she is btw:

    - Termignoni banana system
    - Light flywheel
    - The engine has been apart and been put together again to make it extra punchy... :bomb:
    - From the outside still a stock 999 to look at

    IMG_9571 - kopie.jpg

    IMG_9563 - kopie.jpg

    Next to my dads old T500
    IMG_3318 - kopie.JPG
    Thats why I need an open clutch cover, so it stays nice and clean!
    IMG_4311 - kopie.JPG

    Reaching the "---" top speed. Nothing much to see actually. :) IMG_3983 - kopie.PNG
    • Like Like x 4
  2. Welcome cloggy dave
  3. Welcome Dave. Do you have a cap? :)
  4. Welcome, nice in black :upyeah:
  5. Blue bins in the Netherlands eh
  6. Lucky the brakes were good or you'd have ended up in the harbour!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Welcome 999 dude :cool::upyeah:
  8. Luckily there is that little fence going on to save me!

    I do have a cap ;)

    Not supposed for ducatis right?

    @noobie, Harry Bell, Exige; Thanks guys. :)
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Welcome to the forum. :)
  10. Nice bike! You can also post a few more pics of your Dads T500 too if you like, theres quite a few here who like blue stroke bikes...

    How are the tulips this year?
  11. Welcome triple nine to the forum.:upyeah:
  12. Welcome, Alex.

    Stay away from @chizel, he will lust after your bike and he is short and annoying too. But cute.
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  13. Thanks guys!

    I don't have too many pictures, and my dad rarely rides. His T500 is an original café racer. ;) He bought it new in '75 and did quite some work on it back in the day. But it's a bit dusy now :D

    And tulips have been great this year! haha
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Hi and welcome to the Ducati forum
  15. Nice bin just in the picture I like

    Welcome into our mad house :)
  16. Haha the bin gets some attention! Thanks.

    • Like Like x 1
  17. Welcome, nice 999. Here is a Tulip Farm near where I work, Edendale, Southland, New Zealand, it exports Tulip bulbs to Europe, inc. Holland, nice when blooming until they mow the flower heads off to encourage bulb growth.

    • Like Like x 1
  18. Haha sounds funny, me being the tulip country, but secretly just importing them. ;)

    Hi @keith916
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
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