Some people are never happy

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Recently sold a few bits from my supersport on eBay . Sold a superlight seat and got £200 for it with the pads. Went to pack it today and dropped it from the top shelf in my garage onto my concrete floor splitting it. So I email the buyer explaining and saying I won't sell it to him as it doesn't match the description and fundentally now needs repairing. The tone of his reply makes me wish I had just sent it and said it had been damaged in transit.
  2. you had a better offer.
  3. Nope why ? Got what I thought was a great offer for it, happy with it. But I guarantee if I had sent it then said tough it was damaged in transit it would have hit the fan. I was just trying to do the right thing by the bloke.
  4. sorry should have said the buyer will think youv had a better offer and this is your excuse to wriggle out of your deal. perhaps if you sent a pic with your explanation to prove your story.
  5. I'd send a photo and sorry, that happened to me .
    They assumed I'd got a better offer until I sent them a photo.
    They were then fine about it .
    Accidents happen
  6. Offer it to him for a cheaper price let him cover the cost of a recover.
  7. Bummer to lose 200 quid though.
  8. Hadnt thought about the better offer if that is what he thinks no wonder he isn't happy. Will repair it at some point and re advertise it. It's the fact I will still have to pay costs as well.its the actual seat unit not the seat pads.
  9. Post him a turd................................I never did that :rolleyes:
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  10. I've had the same thing happen to me. Some people are very suspicious because they think they may have been "gazumped".

    I also had an eBayer who did it thinking to bidders thinking that it was OK to do that sort of thing until he started getting negative feedback about it. There are two sides to the coin and it's really hard to second guess what some people are trying to do.
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