Something to consider for next year

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by AndyB_11, Sep 1, 2013.

  1. For anyone else who likes watching the classic bikes be ragged rotten around road circuits this is on my radar for next year. I'm thinking along the lines of a cheap flight to Prague on the Friday, drive to Horice Saturday moning, watch the racing over the weekend then maybe Sunday night in Prague before home on Monday.

    Czech Tourist Trophy | Automoto Klub v A?R Ho?ice

    The start list this year also looked pretty interesting with mainly classics then a bit of modern lunacy to finish it off.

    Entry lists | Automoto Klub v A?R Ho?ice

    If I go on the bike then the race weekend will be the middle one of a 2 week trip because it's a crap ride if you go by the direct route.
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