Sonic Highways - Foo Fighters Album/documentary

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. @andyp79 Reminded me that the album was out so I picked it up. The reviews have been decent, but I have to say, although it's good, its very short at only 8 tracks and maintains that 'Foo Fighters' sound. The previous album Wasting Light, in my opinion is much better.
    The HBO documentary, also being showing on the iplayer, is absolutely amazing though and is well worth your time. 8eps at an hour each with talking heads from each city in which the track was recorded.
  2. ...and subtly explains the lyrics behind the track which is played at the end, in order on the album.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I still really like the new CD. It is a wee bit short but it works for me. So far, anyone I've asked has loved the new album.

    They're playing Murrayfield in June supported by Royal Blood with tickets going on sale today but I'm not a fan of massive concerts like that these days. Much prefer smaller venues if possible, which was really rammed home when I saw Royal Blood at the ABC in Glasgow a couple of weeks ago. Best gig ever.
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  4. Its a great album. Tickets go on sale on Friday. For gig in July. I'm going to try. Ive seen them before and they are very very good live.

    Off to see Jack White tonight. :)
  5. Bought the album the other day as well. First listen it didn't amaze me but after a couple it's really starting to grow on me. Had the same with the latest Pearl Jam album and I really like that one now.

    MissPineapple sent me the link for tickets to Wembley on sale today but I'm put off by the massive venue as well. I saw Muse at the O2 a year or so back and it was just too big a space.

    Will check out the videos as they sound really good.
  6. Same here about Wembley. I tried getting tickets for their small shows they did recently as The Holy Sh!ts but typically they sold out quickly and/or just couldn't get through on the websites.
    I understand that they have a massive fan base and will pack out Wembley (and others) no problem, and probably announce extra dates, but I too would rather see them at a small show.

    Oh, and tickets are on sale today for Foos - presale password is "HIGHWAYS" ;)
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Also love Royal Blood as well. Had their album since it came out as they'd been played a lot on Planet Rock before it was released. Amazing sound from just two guys.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Royal Blood are the support and I think theyre great so Ill be camped out on friday for tickets. Oh and Iggy Pop.
  9. Also...

    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. At least the prices are 'reasonably' decent
  11. I caught RB on Glasto BBC6 in the summer and immediately recognized their talent. Outstanding band. Weve worn the CD out. :)

    Im not a fan of wembley for gigs, I agree its too big but needs must. I'm at the O2 tonight for Jack White and thats probably too big too. My fave venue is the academy in Brixton. Love that place. Seen everybody who is anybody there at some point. Plus I used to love the forum until they knocked it down. T&C was cool too.
  12. Thanks Anton. For that 'tip'. It worked. Tickets booked for 19 Jun 2015!! Wahheeeyyyy. Youve made two people very happy today. :upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah::upyeah:
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  13. seen queen the tribute gig at wembley, v.good at the front.
  14. No worries, have a good time! :)
  15. Is that from the main floor or the front seats?
  16. no seats it was the stadium.
    seen acdc back in the eighty's at the arena, sitting. pish.
  17. Ah ok, @MissPineapple is 2.5ft tall so she can't see anything from the floor area :D
  18. put her on your shoulders, if you can find the pics you will see me quite clearly dying under the weight of the misses at the time. long gig. slim but tall. wasn't easy.
  19. Had a choice of 3 sleeves out of a possible 9 when I bought mine on vinyl (the bottom row) and plumped for the left hand corner not knowing where it was?? Turns out to be Austin which pleases me as I didn't realize it was weird town central, which I approve of.

    I'd really like the top right hand one which is New York, where Something From Nothing was conceived. Kicks some serious ass, love that tune :)

    The Foo Fighters Sonic Highways 180g LP-Elusive Disc

    Apologies for the crap link but it's the only one I can find with details of the cities related to the sleeves.

    Some reviewers are toting it as conceited nonsense, well, bollocks to them.
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  20. Just got tickets for the Who and Weller in Hyde Park for next year and I'm starting to regret getting them already. The idea of standing up from 14.00 until God knows when is putting me off.
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