Sort Of Touring…with Cannonball!

Discussion in 'Touring' started by J biker, Jul 4, 2023.

  1. Just back from an epic tour with Cannonball bike run 2023, in Europe.

    We started in Austria, then in to Italy, Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Austria…Germany. With barely a stop for breath.
    Epic. Mad. Fast. Some mad riding, some mad but brilliant people.
    Bikes ranged from KTM 890 Duke, GS1250, Multistradas (none actually broke down, but a KTM nearly did not reach the start due to electrical issues o_O) to S1000rr and tricked up Superdukes. A real mix.
    Crashes? Hmm.:thinkingface: Nobody died. Fun? Yes, in epic proportions.
    This is the trip I promised myself 6 years ago and thought was to be permanently shelved. Thanks to my very understanding wife for being able to get away this time.
    Expensive? Yes. Worth it, yes, with many people hooked and returning each year. Could you book the same thing with your mates? In theory maybe, but in practice no. Very good Routes sorted, hotels sorted, luggage transported, back up van (useful for totalled motorcycle one day and a lightly damaged one another..) new friends made.
    Do it again? Probably. I need a holiday to recover first though.
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  2. Useful info.
    Austria was heavily policed, though in general ‘most’ people got away with ‘lots’ of shit. 72kph in a 50 got a 35 euro fine. No interest was shown in paper work, points etc as one bike was UK plates, the other French.
    One bike (I think) on Irish plates managed a wopping 1600 euro fine! Luckily the bike was standard. We later found out it was touch and go for further repercussions due to being some 70kph over the limit.

    Two bikes were temporarily impounded at what was basically a checkpoint for motorcycles. They really do not like modifications…and some bikes had a list so long that they ran out of space on the ticket! It seems checkpoints are different to a speed trap! They really went to town, checking brake callipers, exhaust, qucikshifters etc. With a notice to return to standard within a limited time, plus fines,
    My initial thoughts that rumours about a tightening up on modifications over there were rubbish, seem to be very wrong. So be warned if riding modded bikes!
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  3. The irony of Austria being Jack-boot policed…..
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Agreed.
    Yet, nothing like pretty Naziland to the West…

    In fairness, luck was well and truly pushed. UK bikers would certainly NOT have got away with the same shit in the UK though, and I certainly will not hesitate in going back. Will give it at least a few weeks break though o_O:joy:
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  5. Do you have a link, I can't seem to find what seems to be the right one...thx.
  6. Here you are…
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  7. Sounds like my idea of hell, but each to their own.
  8. Sounds like you enjoyed it. Got any pictures?
  9. Some, not many. You might say most of the time was spent concentrating on the road! Will see what I can find..
    ‘Touring’ would be a very general description of events o_O
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. Some





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  11. I had a look on the website, it looks like most of the attendees were American?
  12. Most were European…lol.
    Depends how you measure! The Americans I met were all cool. Likewise everyone else..
    Defo not a standard touring job. I can, and have organised plenty of them myself. This was more of an ‘event’ with a lot of spirited riding.
  13. I didn’t know this about Austria’s aversion to modded bikes. How do they even know what’s a standard or aftermarket anyway? Not always obvious!
  14. Ze Germans/Austrians ARE VERY EFFICIENT..
    Being serious, some stuff is obvious, esp with exhausts, number plates, lights…
    They come equipped with mechanics, vans, inspectors etc. This is not the bog standard Police. A bit like the HGV tests you sometimes see in lay-bys in the UK, who start with red diesel test, tacho, tyres…and go from there, they know their stuff.
  15. Sounds great, I look forward to a blow by blow account when the adrenaline has eased off.
  16. My riding style is generally more on the spirited side, but I’m not sure I’d want to go away and ride with a load of people I’ve never ridden with, and witness their antics all day every day.
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  17. Totally agree......

    I have just come back from pretty much the same kind of route,but with Croatia and Bosnia chucked in for good measure.......
    I'm a definite fan of spirited riding,but not so much with people I don't know,as they can be so unpredictable.
    Also you end up missing out on out that gorgeous scenery,which is in abundance !!

    But then again, with the hotels/luggage all sorted,and a back up van on standby,I'm 100% in..... Where do I sign lol
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  18. Yep.
    So I teamed up with someone I know well. Occasionally joined other groups for some ‘fun’. There is no need to ride with others unless you want. It just is not that kind of event.*
    Basically you get a route map and final destination given each morning. You can go at your own pace. Evening meal was typically around 8pm. That gave a rather big window for arriving in good time.
    Some people would filter in places and go fast in places where I would not. Their choice. Some were too quick around traffic for me. Others I caught and even passed (many times each day..) when we hit roads I liked that did not need excess progress through traffic.
    Basically you dial in your own level of speed/risk. I dont think I saw more than five in any given group. Most were 3s and 4s. A few were flying solo…
    * though be aware that there are a few who may set off the early warning systems en-route o_Oo_O
    As I said, it is what you make it and the riding of others was no issue.
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  19. Ah ok, that sounds a bit better then. What sort of hotels did you stay in?
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