1200 DVT Spark Plug Leads

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by laava, May 30, 2020.

  1. Anyone know of any supply for these? Haven't asked at a dealer yet but couldn't imagine them being reasonably priced...I could be wrong.
  2. From Ducati, there are 2 leads at £27 each and 2 at £31 each. About £116 for the lot.
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  3. Cool, thanks Derek, will update you with the NZ penalty addons during the week!
  4. Just go to a motorist discount place and get some made. That'd be a chunk cheaper and a lot easier :) Any decent place should be able to make up HT leads with a variety of ends. 10 millennia or so ago when I was in the car trade, I used to make up loads :)
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  5. I can do that myself with the outer plugs but the centre ones have a close fitting and very specific stem. Not sure if I can get a match for that yet?....
    Which kinda brings me to another question, do the centre and outer plugs fire at the same time? I assume they do but I really dont know.
  6. Ok, so I could not get anything made that would do the job properly, mostly because the horizontal cyl needs to be 100% waterproof in the rain etc so I ordered from StarTwin for €120 delivered to NZ.
    This was for the main, or centre, spark plug leads only.
    So, my issue was that my bike was missing and stuttering terribly up to 4k rpm exactly under a half to full throttle, where it was worse at full throttle to the point it would stop accelerating.
    From my endless whinging and questions on here I got a response from @neulee who had exactly the same thing and told me on his bike it was the leads! So thanks to him and thanks to this forum for enabling a result.
    Oh, and sorry for thread dredging but if it can help someone else out in future...
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