999 Spark Plugs

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by Cream_Revenge, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. I have Iridium NGK.
    Work a treat.
    Why would you want to stay away from them?
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  2. Seen reports of bikes not running right on them.
  3. Maybe because they tried to set the gap to the oem Ducati recommended size.
    Iridium plugs use a larger gap, so give a fatter spark. This gives a steadier idle and better throttle response, as well as better starting.
    They will also last for tens of thousands of miles without needing any attention.
    Fit them with the preset gap and they will be just fine.
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  4. They also require your ignition wires and coils to be in 1A shape to allow more current. There's no real need for iridium plugs.
  5. There was a suggestion on here that fitting a battery/starting cable kit improved not only their starting but their idling, slow running and pick-up too. I have a cable kit fitted, so maybe that helps give more oomph to my Iridium plugs.
    Subjectively, I did notice an improvement though and it's good to know I don't need to touch them.
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  6. I use NGK iridium on my 998 and they have always been fine. As mentioned gap needs to be larger and electrics need to be in good shape.

    I also use Iridium in my 748R track bike along with surface discharge plugs at times. For that I use Magnecor HT leads which deliver a far healthier spark. They are not available for 749/999 models but they do make them for the 996R and 998. £60.75 a set at the moment.
  7. While on HT leads, do they need changing over time? OEM ok for 999?
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  8. Carbon core or carbon trace leads can often degrade or break up over time. I know some 999's (749's?) had the coil in the HT cap so replacement is bound to be expensive if necessary, but what i don't know is if all 999's etc had them from the outset. No doubt someone can confirm that.

    I replaced a rear HT lead on my 998 and that was over £60 for just one lead several years back.
    #9 Red998, Mar 13, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2016
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  9. No HT leads as such on the 999.
    Because the coil is directly connected to the plug, there are just ordinary wires leading to each cylinder.
    #10 Old rider, Mar 13, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2016
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  10. Coil on Plug on 749/999 so no HT leads. With regard to iridium plugs.... This is the trouble with the interweb, any dumb fook can write on it :) Iridium plugs work great until the user changes the gap. Don't believe everything you read ont tinterweb.

    I also use Iriduim with no issues whatsoever.
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  11. Iridium fitted to mine without any problem.
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  12. I swear by them for being consistent, durable and reliable.


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