My speedo drive is not engaging on the wheel. I have the speedo drive and it is in good condition but it's still not working. I see some pictures online of a drive plate and seal as well but do not see it on the parts diagram. Can anyone verify if I need these? Thanks!
I always use Ducati Omaha’s OEM parts fiches to look things up
The cable is a simple square cable that fits into the drive on the wheel. @chrisw 's link to the parts diagram shows all that there should be the correct page. Check the cable is correctly, and fully, seated into the drive unit on the wheel and the same with the other end that goes into the speedo unit itself. The only other issue (which is unlikely) is the cable is broken, but you can check this simply by disconnecting the cable at both ends and turning one end to see if the other end turns too.
The cable and drive itself are fine. When I spin the ring in the drive, the cable spins fine. What I am asking is if I need the following which is not on the parts diagram :
That part should definitely be on the left side of your front wheel for your speedo to work (Part numbers #6 & #7 on the diagram, I believe).
Thanks! That’s what I needed. The picture and description don’t real show/describe what they are. Got them on order now .
Make sure that speedo ring in the wheel is not bent. The tangs on mine were bent a bit and so no speedo reading. THey bent back and now it works find. Some care needs to be taken with this stuff when reinstalling the front wheel