Just bought a new spider spring for my 749R clutch....FIFTY TWO FAKKIN QUID! And it only has six legs, so it's hardly even a fakkin arachnid is it?
been hovering over this one for a while but doesn't look 'cool' enough : ) :- DUCATI PRESSURE PLATE CLUTCH RETAINER BRACE 848 1198 MS | eBay
These must be worth a try, I need one myself so I might splash out one day. MOLLA A RAGNO PER FRIZIONE ANTISALTELLAMENTO DUCATI PERFORMANCE A 6 MOLLE | eBay Steve
Ooh, that looks good - is it a genuine one? I see they also do this: FRIZIONE ANTISALTELLAMENTO A 6 MOLLE DUCATI PERFORMANCE - SLIPPERY CLUTCH | eBay ...just can't get hold of that!