Spiti, Zanskar And Leh - The Ducati Tre Valley Ride

Discussion in 'Touring' started by Arjun Gurudev, Aug 8, 2023.

  1. Am not too good at writing lengthy scripts so I will keep it short and let the pictures do the talking.

    Ducati India organised a Ducati Ride Experience for DOC Bangalore members to ride in the Himalayas. It was a tumultuous task considering that most of us had limited to no off road experience and that we were attempting to cover not one, not two but all three valleys in the region. To top it off, the weather was very inclement and played up while we were there forcing us to ride in -5 temps (Average temp in Bangalore is 20 to 35, so you can imagine us in that cold).

    All in all, an experience of a lifetime.

    Happy to answer any questions that you may have.

    The line up and the flag off -

    WhatsApp Image 2023-08-08 at 23.40.59.jpeg WhatsApp Image 2023-08-08 at 23.41.25.jpeg
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  2. The initial tarmac roads were nice - WhatsApp Image 2023-08-09 at 09.49.43.jpeg

    Lunch at a fancy place - (the last good meal for several days) -
    WhatsApp Image 2023-08-09 at 09.50.53.jpeg

    Tried my friends Desert Sled for a bit -
    WhatsApp Image 2023-08-09 at 09.51.35.jpeg
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  3. I rode to Spiti last year on a Royal Enfield. What an amazing experience in a truly incredible country.

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  4. Fantastic @Paul55 , Looks like you guys rode all the way from Goa?
  5. Cake organised by Ducati to commemorate this ride -
    WhatsApp Image 2023-08-09 at 12.36.02.jpeg

    Just riding through some mountains -
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    The beauties resting after the days' ride -
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    Standing tall and handsome (in spite of the majesty of the mountains behind) -
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  6. The frequent stops for “chai and chatter” were essential.

    You need time to take in the immensity of India :D

    I would recommend anyone to go there and the best form of travel is a motorcycle.

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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. The view from the hotel as we settle-in in the evening -
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    The view in the morning -
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    Riding out of the hotel -
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    Still decent roads -
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    And now we hit some fantastic tarmac!! -
    WhatsApp Image 2023-08-09 at 22.14.08.jpeg
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    • Love You Love You x 1
  8. That looks absolutely awesome… The road trip of a lifetime!! :astonished:

    Do you think they would accept a 916? o_O

    Just kidding. On a more serious note, I would accept to ride a Multi for such a trip. Just no pics. Of me on the mutley.

    Man, I can’t wait for the « nasty » trails. Altitude makes for incredible pictures, with the best possible light!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Another great way to see that neck of the woods is by plane......

    Back in the day, working for the man, I spent a couple of years in India, during which we needed to do some high altitude testing in Leh, using an Indian Airlines A320. With a total of five on board we left Delhi, a splash and dash in Srinagar and on to Leh, fantastic views over the Himalayas. The Airbus chief test pilot was flying, which was nice, as he seemed to know what he was doing as it got pretty busy in the cockpit on the somewhat complicated approach, with constant altitude and terrain warnings.

    Once there it was a couple of days of flight tests, engine out take off’s and climbs, etc. Some astonishing views from the cockpit as well as from the ground. At the time there were some ‘difficulties’ with China and Pakistan so very difficult to get permission to go there so quite fortunate to see it really.

    Our transport at Leh. Used a bit more fuel than a Royal Enfield, and probably a bit noisier, but certainly faster....
    Leh 3.jpeg

    One of the many take offs
    Leh 1.jpeg
    and an equal number of landings - again a good thing.

    Leh 2.jpeg
    The 'Perforated Steel Planking' in the foreground is the some of the original runway built during WW2, as Leh was part of a supply route I believe.

    At the time Leh airport was rather basic, mainly military airfield with fighters stationed there to protect the border with China, resupplied by Indian Air Force Antonov transports, and a trip on one of them is a whole different experience....

    I did consider a bike whilst I was there, but they all looked like they needed a bit of work.....
    bikes 1.jpeg
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Brilliant stuff. Well done one and all.
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  11. Thank you for posting this Arjun, gives us all some inspiration hopefully.
    Crystal John could have added some real gems to this thread.

    #12 Chris, Aug 10, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2023
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  12. As long as you are willing to sacrifice the 916 at the altar of Kunzum Ma, for sure, please bring it :)

    The pics are coming....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Happy to coordinate and be a part of the ride if there are enough of you willing to come here.
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  14. As others have said. Thank you for sharing. It looks brilliant. :cool:
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  15. Agreed, really interesting read and pictures. Thanks very much.
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  16. Looks like a great trip
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  17. Super brilliant ride, everyone should do this once in their lifetime. Gives you a new perspective on life
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  18. The mountains are truly magnificent -
    WhatsApp Image 2023-08-11 at 18.14.14.jpeg

    Epics riding trails -
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    The fun continues -
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    Can you spot the bikes? -
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    World's highest restaurant @ Komic village - 15000ft altitude -
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