Splitting Cases

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by Desmoquattro, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. Needs to be done. Anyone here done it? I am hoping a few to help guide me!?
  2. Yep, done that.
    Dead straightforward - only issue ( minor at that) was adjusting the shimming (crank and gearbox) to allow for no centre gasket - one was fitted at the factory, but they're not used now.
    Haynes is pretty helpful.
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  3. ^ Baines Racing sell the centre gasket. I bought one off them about 5 years ago.
  4. Awesome, ok ill be asking you about stuff then! Thanks
  5. Well actually I cheated, I got Baines to shim/preload the crank, they only charged me 40 quid. I had to strip mine down to replace the gallery plug. Getting the preload right on the crank and gearbox is most important. I'm guessing, if you replace the gasket with one of the same thickness, you probably won't have to aqjust any shims. I'm sure someone on the forum will know.
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