1200 Sprocket Questions

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Firebladeboy, Jun 4, 2019.

  1. Hi All,

    I know my chain and sprockets need replacing but I notice there is visible and audible play on my rear sprocket when I wiggle it. Does this mean my cush rubbers are shot too? Or is this normal?

    Next question, does the Sprocket Carrier always have to be replaced with the sprockets/chain? If I get one of those quick release jobbies, can they kept or do they have to be replaced each time the sprocket is worn out too? (That wouldn’t make much sense to me)
  2. Re the Sprocket carrier, I already have JT sprockets (needing a carrier) fitted. So my question is, do I need another one when I replace the sprox with another set of JTs?
  3. Side play in the cush drives is quite normal, they are not super tight to begin with in the multi, The JT rear carrier is a one time fitment only, not to be replaced with new sprockets, unless it gets damaged or something.
  4. Ah!! Thanks Peter! Well, some study shows that the existing sprocket is Afam, not JT so I do need the JT carrier. Slightly annoyed as bought a regular one when Quick Release is same price! Oh well, I get about 20K miles out of a chain and sprockets by which time bike will have 60K on it so I expect I'll have more serious things to worry about!
  5. I think Affam carriers only fit Affam sprockets Renthal sprockets are different too, best you ask your supplier what fits what as I can't remember of hand.
  6. I was told by Ducati (Riders Bridgewater) that AFAM fit the OEM cush drive without a carrier. JT needs a carrier and Renthal too. I THINK Renthal and JT carriers are the same though.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  7. What sprocket have you bought? What is your bike fitted with now? are you trying to change gearing?
    Picture please??
  8. IMG_2976.JPG
    JT sprocket which sits on a JT Carrier
    • Useful Useful x 1
  9. IMG_2977.JPG
    discount code
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Sprocket set I have now is AFAM. It's stamped on it. I've bought a JT one as part of a DID chain and sprocket set. Existing chain is knackered. Not changing the gearing, no. Just replacing chain/sprox. Still need a pic?
  11. [​IMG]Standard sprocket that does not require a carrier
    • Useful Useful x 1
  12. which sprocket is it like?
  13. Picking it up tomorrow. But am assured it's JT and it needs a carrier. So...I'll post pics tomorrow if you like. Thanks Peter!
  14. IMG_2978.JPG
    Like this yes? This is mine with the JT sprocket carrier
  15. Notice the extra 6 bolts on the sprocket which denotes it has the carrier:upyeah:
  16. That’s how it will look I’m sure. Will post photo tomorrow. Cheers Peter, that’s been really helpful.
  17. No worries, look forward to your pictures tomorrow.:upyeah:
  18. So I went and ordered a JT sprocket carrier from UrbanMoto who were super-efficient in getting it to me overnight! Pick up the chain and sprockets only to find that while the FRONT is JT, the rear is ESJOT and doesn't need a fookin' carrier (See photo)!! It was £60 too, wonder what the restock fee is.... :( 2019-06-05 15.53.27.jpg
  19. Quick Change Carriers are primarily made for the track or for those that change their gearing often and even then.
    If you don't, you're wasting good money. You can buy several sprocket sets for the price of one carrier/sprocket combo.
    Of course, if your reason is bling, "skies the limit" and I withdraw my comment.
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