1260 Sprocket Torques

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by freshage, Mar 29, 2023.

  1. Before I tackle new chain and sprockets, it's been a while and I just want to double check, these are the torque settings I have in my notes:

    Front sprocket nut - 186Nm + 5%
    Flange nut (x6) - 44Nm + 10%
    Sprocket carrier nut (the big boi) - 230Nm

    Can anyone confirm/correct?
  2. They are what I used.

    I did not have to undo the 6 flange nuts. You can tap off the sprocket from the cush rubbers without having to undo the flange nuts. Once the main nut is undone the carrier and sprocket come away as one unit. Place the sprocket in a vice and the carrier will tap away without much force using a socket as a drift. The new sprocket will slide back on to the cush rubbers with them still attached to the carrier. If you have no vice then fair enough just undo them.
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  3. I believe the torques are the same as the 1200 DVT, in which case your valves are correct.

    You may not need to undo the flange nuts on the cush drive damper pins if you can pull the sprocket off the carrier assembly.
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