1200 DVT Sprocket Wear?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by markfireblade, Apr 29, 2023.

  1. Time for a new chain (probably) and front sprocket (bolloxed) but not sure if I can get away with the same rear. It's a Supersprox which is claimed to last a lot longer than standard steel/alloy etc. I'd be happy if it's OK until the next chain as a replacement will mean at least £100+ extra....
    Photo attached for analysis :)

  2. You can see there is some wear but I’ve seen a lot worse still being used. How many miles has it done ? Andy
  3. Jesus christmus, you'd be shocked at both of my front & rear sprockets. Front is proper hooked but I ride like a hool...
  4. No idea on miles - the bike has done around 25,000 so I'd guess this is the first replacement from new (chain is a DID). I'd be happy to get this to last for one more chain as I think that needs replacing (I can pull it about 2 mm from the sprocket after adjusting). If I replace the sprocket I'll be forking out about £130 for a Supersprox or about £100 for a JT and carrier from m&p....
  5. Forgot to mention there's a small lateral play in the rear sprocket (not in the wheel or axle) - I've read this is normal, or maybe the cush drive....?
  6. Putting a new chain on old sprockets is a false economy.
  7. I know that, but the cost of replacing THIS sprocket, if it's got light wear and will do another chain, is near enough the price of a chain anyway.
  8. But will likely wear the chain prematurely, especially once it gets past a certain point. Obviously ultimately your choice, though I'd be inclined to replace as a set. This is where the carrier option comes in with it being cheaper to replace the very expensive Ducati fitment rear sprocket.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Doesn’t look tooooo bad, so, go for it as it will save you some dosh.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. This is where not having the carrier type gets expensive, since I'm stuck with having to pay a lot more either way. A JT sprocket on its own is about £30...
  11. I'm assuming the chain is toast since I can pull it away from the sprocket a bit...
  12. Normal. same on my Multi. Something to do with swingarm flex I think.
  13. OK cool ta....
  14. That sprocket is only a little worn and has plenty of good life left.
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