ST2 Top box and Rack

Discussion in 'Sport Touring' started by Lightning_650, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. I've got a 2002 ST2 with the factory (?) panniers and frames,and I want to add a Topbox etc.
    Who makes the original rack and Topbox,are they generic but just badged for a Ducati,or do I have to buy specific to ST2?
    (and if your flogging the above with the box in red,let me know!).
    #1 Lightning_650, Apr 18, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2013
  2. i had the very same problem with my st3
    nonfango were the original manufactures but went bust and getting the racks and topboxes now is a poroblem
    i started a thread bout this just a few weeks back..lots of good advice on there...
    it came down to fitting a givi rack with some modification and using the monokey topbox
    but i checked gumtree and there wasa guy selling a complete nonfango rack and topbox bout 50 miles away from me needless to say i snapped that up and it was a straight fit.
    if your not so lucky and need to have one fitted now then givi is the way to go...but with a bit of mods to be done
  3. Genuine racks are like hens teeth coated in rocking horse poo... I've been after one for ages... I currently have a Givi top-box mounted on a universal rack. I cut the arms off short, and bolted them to the arms at the top of the pannier mounts. It works ok but I wouldn't put anything heavy in the box. It also looks a bit "Heath Robinson" but on my "tatty-Ducati" I'm not that bothered...
  4. They are doing a Krauser rack on ebay £149,but the pic shows a tubular thing like we all used to have back in the day.
    Might be jusy a library pic of course.
    But no info on whether the actual rack supplied will fit with the factory pannier frames.
    I'm not anal abt looks,but my bike is in really nice nick,(imho of course).
    I'll do without rather than nail any old shite on to it
  5. I've got nonfango pannier rack and top box carrier on my ST3, with a givi monolock top plate. It fits neatly but they aren't great quality, can see rust bubbling up under the paint, gonna strip them and repaint. In all likelyhood you'll have to do the same if you source a 2nd hand set.
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