St3/4 Or Multistrada 1000 Instrument Panel?

Discussion in 'Sport Touring' started by Karl 992, Jan 8, 2022.

  1. Hi, does anyone have one of the above for sale? I need the electroluminescent backing panel as the track has rotted on mine and I now have no backlight, which is mildly disconcerting at night....Pretty much impossible to solder a bridging wire across due to the coating etc???
  2. Thanks, I’ll give them a try. It is the EL backing though, looks a bit tricky to repair..... 45283AAC-A466-44BE-9CE1-E237B127F370.jpeg
  3. it's testing my eyes, but looks like around 6 broken "wires" ? you've reminded me to go and unbolt my two - I normally do thru Winter but got lazy lately.
  4. I used Scorpio electronics 2 years ago, after mine was full of water following a wet trip to wales and left outside for the whole week tour.
    Cost about £150 and i was ready for scrapping the clocks.
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