ST4S LCD Screen wont power down.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by DaveyP90, May 21, 2013.

  1. Have a problem with my LCD Screen on my 2001 ST4S that I need advice with.

    It is reading Tank Full (Its not) Temp at some ridiculously high temp (Bike hasnt been run in weeks) and the Clock running like a stop watch.

    All this with the bike switched off, the key out of the ignition. I do have a faulty Coolant temperature sensor which I am about to replace and have the bike stripped down including the clocks off and I had split the screen module to check for moisture and any corrosion and did the hairdryer job of drying out any possible moisture. The module is getting voltage when it shouldnt so i'm taking it that i'm looking for a short somewhere.

    Any suggestions on where to start looking??

    This problem started on one of our very rare very hot days in Dublin following a a couple of days of torrential rain at the end of last summer, bike got quite hot, fan wasnt kicking in as should (it did eventually which I am assuming is a faulty sensor) and I was riding around in very heavy traffic. I had been keeping an eye on the temp gauge when all of a sudden the fuel gauge went to full, the temp went haywire and the clock started to run like a stopwatch. Pulled off the road (fan was running) let the thing cool down and parked up and took the key out to go have a shmoke and a pancake (Austin Powers reference there!!) but noticed the LCD didnt power down, took it home and had a little poke around and pulled the screen fuse which killed it.

    The bike needs a bit of work which i'm in the middle of, chain & sprockets, oil, filters etc. Belts & valve clearances were done recently (3K miles ago, there's 23 on the bike) but apart from the screen problem the bike is running perfectly and everything else is working perfectly.

    Any advice gratefully accepted.

    Davey P:upyeah:
  2. An question to add to my initial query, could it possibly be a problem with the ignition itself?
  3. Any weird behaviour on my 999 the first thing I change is the fuel pump/injector/coil relay.
  4. OK Ive eliminated the ignition as a possible cause and i'm now suspecting the fuse block.....any thoughts?
  5. Iv'e rang a auto technician and explained the problem and he says it sounds like its an earthing issue so where the hell are the earths??? Have a Digital workshop manual and cant make out where the earths are??
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