Star Wars is shite!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. That is all!
  2. Not as shit as Hitchhikers' guide to the galaxy. Now that was proper cack.
  3. Please do not feed the Trolls
  4. The original 3 SW are classics and the HH books literary genius.
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  5. hmmm, foolish you are, yes, the force is weak in this one
  6. The 3 prequel films are just the most horrendous bits of acting imaginable , the lad is just the worst of them all. God only knows why they thought he was good for the part.

    The first 3 made were miles better.

    so yes, based on the newer ones I'll have to agree

    star wars is shite
  7. Philistines.
  8. Burn the heretics!
  9. Star Wars is a religion and Jar Jar Binks is the devil. That is all :tongue:
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  10. Reckon all Sci Fi is shit, gimme a decent Porno, ya know, the ones with a riveting story line. :biggrin:
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  11. porno? the king of sci fi ;-)
  12. Lego star wars is pretty good. Funny.
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  14. Personally I'm a big fan :upyeah:
  15. Yep. It's the latest three films that do my nut in. Crap acting and crap plot. Jar Jar Fuckwit is just pointless... Acting is crap, so they try to make up for it with special effects... Lets hope the new ones in 2015 onwards are better...
  16. JJ Abrams directing, so should be
  17. Apart from ja ja star wars superb.
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  18. original 3 classic films the last 3 made dross ...........
    just like many modern films relying on cgi for the wow factor

    so own up who has a stormtrooper outfit
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