Started my Walt Seigl build yesterday by stripping down 900ss

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Hu11sey, May 23, 2013.

  1. I started the strip down yesterday, by striping my recently purchased Black 2000mile 900ss, which i bought on ebay for £2200, absolutely mint.
    Anyone looking for immaculate parts off 900s, 57 plate, give me a shout, frame fairings etc.
    Im waiting for the Vonzeti seat coming, to tie up with the NCR blue painted tank and full mock up on frame pre powder coating blue.
    i will post pics soon.
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  2. Are you using the stock frame, chopping it or getting custom made? Going for an exact copy or just using his creations as an inspiration? I absolutely love his work, especially the Leggero.
    Good luck with the built and post some pics asap :smile:
  3. I've had a custom made by him, single shock and we are building a twin shock leg germ which is ready for the painters soon, the angle shock is going to be along NCR styling colours as new blue
  4. Sounds awesome!
  5. Walt's Ducati specials are first class. He seems to have an amazing eye and builds gorgeous, very balanced bikes with lots of clever, considered touches. Great guy to team up with. Nice bloke too. Looking forward to seeing some pics.
    #5 Kiwihame, Jun 22, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2013
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