748 Starting Woes

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Daz moss, Aug 8, 2020.

  1. A up people
    Right had new battery on bike
    Wont start turnss slowly then solenoid just clicks
    Put booster on and bingo fires first crack
    Turn off bike after a ride and doesnt start again just seems to drain battery
    Tried the usual battery tester alternator is charging ok theres voltage across battery just seems to drain really quickly when trying to start
    Any ideas where next to look other than earths fuses, tapping starter etc
  2. Check if the battery is holding charge when stood, it should be around 12.7v if that's ok check the vault-age as you press the starter button to see if you have a sudden drop, it's not unknown for a new battery to be faulty. If your sure the battery is fully charged and all leads are clean and tight, then it could well be the starter motor it's self getting tired.
  3. Well battry is only holding around 11.6v its currently on charge again to see if theres an issue with
  5. Daz, your battery is on its last legs, time for a new one
  6. Dude this IS the new one lol typical going away for a week and day i arrive back is mot day ‍♂️ always a last minute eh
  7. New fully charged battery should hold over 12.8v for weeks in this temperature and could be as high as 13.1v for a couple of weeks at least, unless your meter is wrong there is something wrong with it.
  8. Well ive doible chexked a few things and while battery was back on charge i caught cable and noticed neeslw drop then clicked off as on battery was fully charged, so wriggled cable and needle moves, ffs only a very fine break in cable, so now it seems to be charging as it should now, had enough of mechanicle things bad enough as a career never mind creeping into the hobby too, hate electronics
  9. "neeslw"? Lost me there.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Was half writing half watching strike what our woman was watching spelling is usually alot better, proper multi tasking today
  11. Daz, now you have found what is likely the issue, when the battery gets fully charged perhaps you can post up the voltage readings from the following day, a pint says its close to 13v. Also if you want any advice from the forum in the future its not good form to mark advice freely offered with a 'disagree', if you don't agree with the advice ignore it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Disagree?
    Sorry dude dodnt know I'd disagreed with any advice, hence the reason i was asking for some!
  13. See post #7. Easily done, many of us have done the same over the years but errors are always best corrected don't you know.
  14. Ah right get ya stubby thumbs then, honestly didnt see the disagree button, sorry guys my bad
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